In the Rain | Boudler Colorado Lifestyle Family Photographer

Have you ever had a photo session in the rain? Yea, me neither… until now.

While I was in Colorado this summer, I had plans to photograph my college bestie and her adorable family. In poor planning on my part- we scheduled her photo session for our last night in town. All week, the weather had looked decent. Trust me, I would have moved the session up had rain been in the forecast. As fate would have it, the night before the session, the forecast changed. And I was in nothing short of a panic. Very quickly, my mind went from praying there was sun to begging for it just not to pour during the session.

The last time I had photographed this family, big sister was a newborn. So, yea, pictures were way overdue. Anyways, I spent the day praying and pleading with the weather. That afternoon, we decided that if the rain did hold off, it was going to be dark so we bumped up our sunset start time by an hour. Driving out to the location (their friends sprawling ranch) it was raining. I kid you not I was in a full blown panic.

I got to the location about 20 minutes early to walk around and check things out. Miraculously it stopped raining. It was chilly, windy and super ominous outside… but no rain! My precious friend arrived and we very quickly got to work. Her kids were troopers. We crammed an entire session into like 25 minutes. It was fast and furious (even more so than my normal sessions)…. but we were not going to let rain get in the way.

Y’all, these clouds you see below: they are not photoshopped. Those are the real clouds. And if you look through the entire session you will see the sky change from dark blue/grey clouds to very white almost foggy looking clouds…. that is when it was actually raining. Yes that’s right, we didn’t escape the rain completely.

A few minutes into the session, it started to drizzle. But the kids were rolling with it so we just kept going. We all knew that any second, it was going to start pouring but we weren’t planning to stop until that happened. And then it happened.

The skies opened up, the wind started, and it POURED BUCKETS. You guys, given that I was with one of my dearest friends, it was hilarious. We all sprinted back to our cars. Which were not close because we were in a field on a ranch. So picture this, everyone is sprinting downhill through a horse pasture (trying to dodge all the poop patties), we are all soaked, I am trying to cover my camera with my raincoat, the kids are cracking up, the adults are yelling to one another because we can’t hear over the kids shenanigans… it was a sight.

Now, I will say, I would never intentionally plan a session in the rain because I still prefer a golden sunset any day, but man, the skies in these images are pretty stunning! And I promise that I will never forget this session and the adventures that went along with it.

Are you interested in a travel session wherever your family holds a special memory? Let’s go there and capture some magic! When you are planning your vacation for next year, think of me and let’s chat. You can shoot me an email specifically about travel at the bottom of my travel page. I look forward to hearing where you want to go!


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