From the Teachers Perspective | Lifestyle Photography Mastermind


When I was preparing for the first run of the Making Lifestyle Work Mastermind, I had high hopes. I envisioned a format where I could pour my knowledge of this industry into photographers who were just starting out in their business. I wanted it to be paced out for success so that no one felt like they were drinking from a fire hydrant.

I wanted to have some of the content pre-created while the bulk of the goodness came during a live weekly group zoom and in the participation of a private Facebook group. I envisioned the time on group calls and in the private group would create a community of supportive friends in the industry. I wanted it to be a place where we share, grow, and thrive.

I knew I wanted the experience to be life changing for the participants. I just didn’t expect it to be life changing for me too.

I have spent the last 12 weeks with the most incredible group of women. I have poured into them, and they have poured into me. Leading this group was the most surprising gift to myself. And honestly, I don’t know that I would have ever gotten it off the ground had we not been pushed into quarantine and given the gift of time.

Was creating these two courses a lot of work? Absolutely.

Was it exhausting? You bet.

Did I fumble my way through parts of it? You know it!

But you guys, being on the other side of it now, and seeing how incredible the experience was for both my students and myself, I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Another run of the Mastermind is kicking off on August 30 and I could not be more excited. Of course, I am totally heartbroken that my time with the first group is through. Because they were so dang amazing. But I am SO excited to meet the participants in the next run.

If I am being totally honest, I am pretty nervous too though. I mean, no offense y’all but the first group will be REALLY hard to beat:) What if the next run doesn’t have the same chemistry?

Here is the thing, I know the next run will be different. And I am okay with that. I am excited to meet and get to know a new group of photographers and give them my all.


  1. Natasha says:

    These 12 weeks were EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you, Sabrina, for sharing all your knowledge. And for the encouragement and push (maybe a kick now and again) in the right direction. ❤️

  2. Meredith says:

    I loved every minute and I’m still trying to apply all we learned – it will be a process but I NEVER would’ve started without you!! THANK YOU!

  3. Nikki says:

    This was seriously the best experience! I truly believe this course has set me up for success as I launch my business. Thank you for being such an open book with us!

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