Does Your Photography Business Have Intention?


It might be easy to read the title above and think, “Of course my business has intention!”. But stop and pause for a second… Does it really?

Let’s look at the definition of the word before we go any farther:

Intention (noun)- a thing intended; an aim or plan. What one intends to do or bring about. A determination to act in a certain way.

Okay so now that we have been freshened up with the true definition of the word, let’s see what having intention in your business really looks like. ➡

Do you have an aim? Meaning, do you know you are going?

Do you make plans? Yes, real plans. The opposite of flying by the seat of your pants.

Do you know what you want to bring about? Another way of asking this is: Do you have goals?

Do you know which way you want to perform? That means knowing what you want to do and what you don’t want to do.

My friends, the point of this post is to get you to realize that you need to sit down and ask yourself some real deep questions. I recommend clearing away the distractions, getting a pen and paper and start brainstorming. Allow yourself to go big. And sit with it for a while. Your ideas may not come right away, but I PROMISE if you just sit and let your mind flow, they will come.

If you are like many entrepreneurs, you started your business and things took off. Before you know it, you are chasing your business and you may have lost some of that intention you started with. Maybe things got off the path. Maybe you started offering some things you never really wanted to. Maybe you haven’t taken a look at your pricing in a while or it is time to outsource some things.

As photographers, the busy season is winding down, now is the perfect time to take a pause and spend time thinking about every facet of your business. Think about these things now so that you can make a plan to implement incredible changes for next year.

I want 2021 to be your best year yet, and with some serious intention, I am 100% sure that it can be!



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