The Early Days | Fort Worth Newborn Photographer

I remember the early days with my own daughter like it was just yesterday. I was on maternity leave from a fast-paced career, that I seriously loved. But the slow pace was such a dream. We snuggled all day and into the night. I held her constantly. We napped together daily. 

I didn’t have instagram or facebook to deal with. I wasn’t running my own business. I didn’t care about shedding baby weight. The only thing I did was take photos of her constantly. Like hundreds a DAY. It was nuts.

Looking back on those days, it was so quiet. At least, for the first 6 weeks. When she was 6 weeks old we embarked upon an entirely new path for our life but that is a different story for a different day. Ha! 

I look back to those early days with such fondness because they are unlike any other. Life continues to march forward and change and morph. The pace was so slow and simple in those first few weeks. There were very few cares in the world outside of loving and keeping my daughter safe. 

With each year that past, life changed and became more complicated. I left my career. We moved. I started a part-time job. We made new friends and grew distant from some old friends. We had another baby. I started a business. With my business came social media pressures. We moved again. My business grew. My husband left his career to start his own business. We had another baby. We moved again. We went through a major renovation and then moved again. And through all those years are countless trips- both business and leisure. There are countless birthdays and holidays. There are more losses to our family and community that we care to count. 

I grow so tired thinking through that brief run down of the past 13 years. It has been an exhausting ride. But man, things are significantly more complicated now than they were back then. Those simple days with a new baby were so easy. And special. And quiet. 

This session reminded me of those days with my first baby. I watched these new parents dote on their brand new baby girl. I couldn’t help but smile when I watched them. So young. So peaceful. So simple

To all the brand new parents: Enjoy every second. Don’t worry about holding your baby too much. Don’t worry with nap schedules. Don’t worry about keeping your house clean or losing baby weight. Just snuggle them. Just breathe them in. Just be. 

Your life will never be as simple as it is now. I know it seems like things aren’t simple but they are. Trust me. As a Mom who has gone before you, just trust me. Let the bottles pile up. Let the laundry pile up. Forget about makeup. Just sleep and snuggle and stare at your beautiful creation. Time flies and with every day older your baby gets, life will grow more and more complicated.

If you are interested in hearing about a newborn session with me, I would love to chat. You can reach me via email here or shoot me a DM on Instagram here. 









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