Annual Beach Recap | Vacation Photographer

Our first family trip of the year was our annual trek to the Texas coast. We left a month after things began to open back up in Texas after 2 months of stay home orders due to coronavirus. Y’all, never have we been more ready to get the heck out of town. And that is saying a lot because we LOVE to travel. 

I am sure that you can agree that 2020 has brought way too much togetherness. Our last trip was over Spring Break and we came home to an immediate shut down that seemingly came out of no where. At first, the forced time at home was kind of nice. Slower pace. No school. Cool weather. Lots of outside time. Lazy mornings. And then it set in that this was a long haul situation. Along with that anxiety and fear and anger and grief set in. 

Lucky for us, we had already planned a beach escape in early June. And the state of Texas opened back up a week before we left. Our family always makes the 6+ hour drive and stays in a house by ourselves so we felt like it was a completely safe trip to take. We wouldn’t be exposing ourselves to resort staff or airplane travelers. 

Y’all we had the best time. This trip was SO needed that on the first 2 days of our trip it RAINED THE ENTIRE TIME and we STILL had a blast. Just because we were out of our dang house. It was so delightful. We were lazy. We slept in. We watched movies. We swam. We ate too many sweets. We swam some more. It was awesome. 

That trip did give us a false sense of hope though. I was supposed to have several travel sessions this summer. And at the last minute, they all got pushed to summer 2021. I mean, I am pumped to already have some travel plans booked for 2021 but ugh. I LOVE traveling with my clients so much and to have them all rescheduled is just such a bummer to top off such a downer of a year. I am confident that the decisions were made for the best though. 

Maybe this means that summer 2021 will be the best travel year yet? That is what I am hanging on to hope for! If you want to know more about what travel sessions look like, let’s chat. I would love to start talking about 2021 with you!










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