Making Lifestyle Work Mastermind | Video Overview Lifestyle Photography Education

Hey friends, I have gotten a lot of questions about people wanting to know more about the making Lifestyle Work Mastermind, so I thought it would be easiest if I just made a video and went over the highlights.

The Making Lifestyle Work Mastermind is a group of 10 to 12 like-minded photographers who are either new in business, or have been in business a while but feel like their business is too hard or too complicated. Or maybe it’s taken them down a road that they don’t love, and they want to pivot and make it a business that they are actually passionate and excited about.

It is a six-week course. Over the course of six weeks, we cover a different topic every week. There are video lessons that arrive into your email inbox automatically on Sundays. In addition to the video lesson there’s also homework to accompany the lesson.

The whole point of the homework is not to receive a grade and it isn’t pass or fail, it is actually to keep you on track. I have found over the years of teaching photographers that if I dump too much information on them at one time, they absorb it all, and they’re excited, but then actually getting to the work is really hard because it feels overwhelming, and it feels like they need to move mountains just to get somewhere.

In the mastermind, we cover one topic a week- I send a video lesson with the accompanying homework, and then we work through homework so that you can focus on the one thing a week, and slowly but surely make progress. By the end of the mastermind you have gone so much farther than you could have imagined by just taking one step at a time.

There’s also a weekly live group Zoom call. We hop online together as a group. We go over questions regarding the lesson, we go over wins and losses, and we create community, which is the best thing about the mastermind.

Yes, you will learn how to transform your business or create the business of your dreams. That will happen. I will give you the tools and teach you everything I know. But along the way you are making friends in the industry. We are creating community. You are going to walk away with a group of cheerleaders that supports one another and is actively engaging with one another.

As a member of the Making Lifestyle Work Mastermind Group you also get access to a private Facebook group. This is where much of the day-to-day communication happens. I post prompts for discussion in the group. Some of them are business related or photography related but some of them are totally from left field, but it helps us build community and friendships. It is a place where you can access me all the time. You can drop questions about anything, and tag me and I will hop on there and respond. It is a great place for group discussions and threads to go on. It’s really fantastic resource.

Lastly, you have access to me. You can ask personal questions regarding your business that maybe don’t apply to the whole group or struggles you’re having and have somebody that’s been in this industry for almost 10 years, who’s made every mistake in the book, who has learned business the hard way but also comes from a corporate business background act as your sounding board and help you work through your unique challenges. I am literally an open book during the six weeks together.

If you can’t catch the live group Zooms, that’s okay they are recorded, and they are shared in the private Facebook group so you can watch a replay when it is convenient for you.

If you have any other questions, send me a message. I’d love to chat about it. If you think that this is for you, and you are ready to jump in right now complete your application to get the ball rolling!

I am so excited to see what the Making Lifestyle Work Mastermind can do for you and your photography business. Take the leap and invest in yourself and your dreams. You are worth it.



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