What are the secrets to mini-session success? This episode is the third in my series featuring the women of my Education Blueprint mastermind. I’m speaking with fellow photographer Danielle Miranda about her impressive success with mini-sessions and how to get started with stress-free sessions in 2025.
The Shoot It Straight Podcast is brought to you by Sabrina Gebhardt, photographer and educator. Join us each week as we discuss what it’s like to be a female creative entrepreneur while balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood. If you’re trying to find balance in this exciting place you’re in, yet willing to talk about the hard stuff too, Shoot It Straight Podcast is here to share practical and tangible takeaways to help you shoot it straight.
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Sabrina: On today’s episode of the shoot it straight podcast, I have my friend Danielle Miranda, and we are talking all about mini session success. Yes, we’re at the end of the year, but yes, you should absolutely listen to this episode, get inspired, take notes, and use this information for all of your 2025 mini sessions, because My friends, the information she’s going to share with you is pretty mind blowing.
It is incredible to see what she has done in her business with many sessions and well, I just can’t wait for you to listen to this chat. So let’s get started. Welcome to the shoot it straight podcast. I’m your host, Sabrina Gephardt. Here I will share an honest take on what it’s like to be a female creative entrepreneur while balancing business, motherhood.
Myself, along with my guests will get vulnerable through honest conversations and relatable stories because we’re willing to go there. If you’re trying to find balance in this exciting place you’re in yet willing to talk about the hard stuff to the shoot it straight podcast is here to share practical and tangible takeaways to help you shoot it straight.
Welcome back to the shoot it straight podcast. My friends today is the third week in a row where I am featuring The expertise of new educators. And I cannot wait for today’s chat today. I’m joined by my friend, Danielle Miranda, and she and I go way back, I guess, 18 months now, maybe more than that.
Danielle was in Root2Rise a couple of years ago at this time. Point or early last year, I’m, I’m like lost in space and time. You know what I mean, it’s like, where are we, what’s happening? Yes. It’s kind of chaotic. But so Danielle was in, uh, Roots to Rise early 2023 and, uh, she had such incredible growth and progress.
And then she is participating in my education blueprint this year and she is just killing it. And I am so excited for our chat today because. She’s going to blow your mind. I literally already know. So, but before we dive in, I always want to start by just letting my guests introduce themselves. So Danielle, will you tell the audience a little bit about you?
Danielle: Of course. So this is my 10th year shooting. I started as a mom who got a. camera at Costco and started taking pictures of my one and three year old at the time. And then it turned into friends saying, Hey, I like that photo. Can you take my photo? I would bring my camera to play dates, stuff like that. Then I decided to make a business.
And thanks to Sabrina, it’s just crazy taken off. Um, And I have three little boys. I live in San Diego and I’m dipping my toe in education and it’s been so fun.
Sabrina: I know I, I am so excited for this journey for you because the thing about it for the listeners, when Danielle started Roots Rise, she was already killing it.
Like she was definitely one of my more advanced students. I have a handful of those every run of the program. There’s definitely a few beginners. Most of the people are kind of in the middle, but I will always have women that have already. Figure it out the formula. They’re already successful. They’re profitable.
They’re doing well. They just want to level up and that’s where you were. You were just ready to like take things to the next level. And that’s what we did. And you accomplished so much. It was insane. I have to tell this funny story because it just came to me and I just want the listeners to hear. So.
Danielle did the run of root tries that was in San Diego. So the retreat was in San Diego, which is her home. She told us at the retreat that she was not sure about the whole retreat situation and meeting new people and didn’t know if it was going to be weird or not. And she had told her husband like, okay, I’m going over, but like, I could be coming home tonight.
Like, I don’t know if I’m going to stay and stick around, um, which is hilarious because now when I see you and, and how your friendships have stayed with these women and like, It’s so funny. Like, you would never consider leaving now. You just didn’t know what you were getting into.
Danielle: No! And he texted me and he’s like, are you coming home?
I said, oh no, I’m having the best time ever. And I was like, so sad when it was over because I never wanted it to end. And that’s why I continued to go to all of the, all of the things that you have because I’m like, I’m obsessed with everyone. Everyone is so supportive and amazing. I love it so much.
Sabrina: Yes.
Yes. Okay. Listeners, we’re talking about mini sessions today, and I’m super excited. And I know the listeners probably said, wait a minute, mini sessions. Sabrina, busy season’s basically over. What are you doing? Talking about mini sessions at this point, at the very end of the year. And yes, you’re correct.
Busy season is basically over, but that does not mean that you don’t offer mini sessions other times of the year. Some of you currently, maybe you don’t, maybe you only offer mini sessions during the fall. Uh, but others, you probably do things like motherhood mini sessions or personality portraits or spring or summer, or some kind of other seasonal mini session offer.
And so today’s episode is something that I want you to come back to in early Q1, when you start planning what your mini session events are going to be for next year and in the future years, I want you to take this information, listen to it, get inspired with it, and then like flag this episode, come back to it.
And you can literally. Take notes and put things into place so that all of your future events are easier and more successful because that’s the whole point of mini sessions. Danielle, I feel like photographers have a love hate relationship with minis. Right? There’s, there’s, they love them and then they also really hate them.
So I would love to know why do you think that is?
Danielle: So I think that they see it as chaotic. You get there, you only have a few minutes with these people and you have to make the most of it. It can be daunting to book them. It could be daunting to send everything out manually, to do everything yourself. You feel like you’re running all over the place because that’s exactly how I felt for so many years that it was just stressful in taking away from my boundaries and my piece at this time instead of adding to it.
But I feel like I’ve really figured it out. So it’s fun and I look forward to minis every year for sure.
Sabrina: Yeah. You definitely have figured out minis for sure. I know from working with you in the past few years that you have kind of cracked the code, so to speak. I would love for you to kind of, you know, prove that to the listeners.
Would you be willing to share some data with us, some actual numbers about your minis this year or in years past?
Danielle: Mm hmm. So let’s take this year. I do minis in the spring, in the fall, and then I usually do two kids center ones only without parents. This year, I have booked a little under 200 total, which sounds insane, I only was behind the camera for 43 hours for the whole year, which is basically a week of full time work in a whole year.
And I’m on track for making around 95, 000 for the year, just on mini sessions. So it’s been, it’s been a pretty good year for that.
Sabrina: Yeah, that is, that is awesome. Insane. I hope that you all heard that. And like, we’re like, wait a minute. What did she say? You guys, 200 minis. Some of you probably heard that and were like, no, absolutely not hard pass.
But what we’re going to talk about today, when I say that Danielle has cracked the code, All of those things she said before about the love hate relationship, right? It feels chaotic. It feels complicated. She has worked out literally all of the kinks. So this 200 sessions, these 43 hours total in a year are easy, like an easy 43 hours, not a chaotic, complicated 43 hours.
Can you imagine only adding 43 hours in a year? Again, like you said, that’s like a week of full time work, but almost a hundred thousand dollars to your revenue. I mean, it is absolutely a no brainer. So that is. That is just absolutely incredible. And again, my favorite part of this is that I’ve heard you talk about this and we’re going to get into it, but it is felt so easy to you.
Danielle: No, for
Sabrina: sure. Many sessions. Yeah. Has felt so easy. Cause you guys know, and the listener listeners know that I’m big on, I want you to be profitable. I want you to make a lot of money. I want your business to bring in that revenue that makes a business successful. But to me, the bigger marker of success. is ease and simplicity and things not feeling hard.
I think that’s where most photographers fail. They focus too much on how many sessions can I do? How much money can I make? And they ignore the part about making it easy.
Danielle: Yes. And I want to give an example. So I know that a lot of people think that minis should be a, just a couple of times a year, super, super exclusive, which it is.
So for me in June, July, I have my mini session calendar out for the fall. These are the spots I have. These are the locations I have. And people that have booked me in the past get a coupon code. So it’s special because they get first dibs on time. They get first dibs on location and they get a coupon code.
As I book full sessions for the fall, I add in minis. into my schedule. So, for example, last night I had a full session. My full sessions are 30 minutes because I don’t, I don’t like hours. It’s way too long for me personally. I was there at the beach anyway for 30 minutes with this family. I got there 30 minutes earlier than that.
and booked two minis that I had added into my schedule later at full price. So I was at the beach for 30 extra minutes and I made almost 2, 000 that night for being there for one hour instead of the 7. 50 I made for a full session. So it’s basically using places that you’re already at To maximize your profit.
You’re there already. You may as well make an extra thousand dollars.
Sabrina: That’s such a great way to think about organically making it work and making yourself more money. Cause you’re right. You’ve already driven there. You’ve already parked. You’ve already like, so gosh, that’s so easy. I would love, I’m curious.
Somebody’s probably listening to this and they’re like, okay, that sounds amazing. But Sabrina, you said specifically that when you started working with Danielle, she was already rocking and rolling and profitable and successful on all of this. There’s got to be a beginning, right? Like you didn’t come right out of the gate, just absolutely killing it.
So I’m, I’m curious, have they always been relatively successful and easy for you or did they used to feel different at any point?
Danielle: So I had a Facebook memory pop up the other day where It was probably three or four years into my business and I, I did 50 mini sessions in a weekend, which was like insane.
And I was pregnant, which was terrible. I was there from like eight in the morning till six o’clock at night. because I was charging like 50. So don’t do that. But you don’t start out charging like a bunch of money. You, you need to value your time and value your, your work, but you do start building a business on doing shorter sessions, a little bit cheaper, whatever, then it, it, it does have to grow organically, I believe.
And you have to be consistent in your work and you have to make sure you’re posting regularly just to get your name out there. And it really does. You’re not going to start with that. You do have to work. And I feel like I do get people that message me and I’m like, you do have to be in the trenches for a little bit.
It’s not just going to happen. You absolutely have to do a lot of the work, the gross work at first, but don’t do as gross of work as I did. Yeah, that was terrible.
Sabrina: I, I, I agree with you. Fully, you cannot just expect to start off right out of the gate with cohesive work and perfect marketing and high prices and all.
Like that’s not, that’s not a thing you guys. But like you said, I started similarly, like my first run of spring mini sessions. Again, I saw this on a Facebook memory back in the day where you used to create graphics in like,
Danielle: yep.
Sabrina: Um, where mine were 35. So like, that’s ridiculous. No, absolutely. We want you to start at a point that’s profitable, but you are going to be cheaper than probably where you want to be down the road, but that’s how you build that.
So like, I don’t want you to start at $35, $50. I don’t want you to start under a hundred, and I definitely don’t want you to start off with 50 in a day. .
Danielle: That’s crazy. No, no, no, no. And the fun part is I’m sure for you too. A lot of those families that started out with me when I would charge $25 at the very beginning are still with me today and still going.
The same amount of time, 10 to 15 minutes and are in with all the photos at five 50 instead of 25 .
Sabrina: Yeah. Yeah. The people, the people that love you will make it work. I tell people all the time, don’t be scared about raising your rates because. Photography is something that most people have to save for and prioritize.
It’s not something that you’re just going to like pull it out of your checking account. Cause you have that much money sitting there. But when you consider, Oh my gosh, we’re obsessed with Danielle. We have to work with her. I know that it’s going to cost us about this much. You put it into your budget and you save for it like anything else.
So I love, I love hearing that. I, I think it’s incredible how far your mini session business and success has grown. I would love to get into some like practical tips for listeners. I’d love to go there on this podcast. So let’s, let’s say this. What do you think are the two most important things that photographers need to put in place for their mini sessions to feel successful?
Danielle: Back when I first started, I would literally have a Photoshop. No, not even. Paint. Paint. Where I would put all of the times I had, then when someone would book me, I would take, erase it off of there, and then send it to the next person, and then I would send them the contract, and then I would send them the gallery, then through Dropbox.
And then they would say, click or tell me which images they wanted. I would send it to them. So basically a 15 minute mini took me like so long. So I would really, right now, if you do not have this, prioritize figuring out your backend systems. your booking system that sends contracts, everything, follow up, all by itself.
So I can go, here is my gallery, or here is the link to book a mini with me. Then that’s all I do for, for quite a while. I do do a check in automatically, just so I can send a pin to the location, and then I send a gallery, and then I don’t do anything after that either. So it really is just clicking, here is the link to book, and Then just going about my day and not really having to do anything hands on.
I would definitely say that number one and number two boundaries. I personally book them back to back so that I’m forced to stick to the time that I have set. Because when you are going, Oh, here, book a mini for me. Where do you want to do it? I’m here at this location. And these are the times I have. And Once the next person walks up, I go to the next person.
So definitely boundaries on time and how many images you’re sharing and how many images you’re giving. I definitely, in a 10 minute, I give three images. And in a 15 minute, I give five. That’s what’s included. And then you can buy as many photos as you want after. So boundaries and backend for sure.
Sabrina: I want to interrupt this episode to share something I am super excited about for the first time ever.
I am offering a pre black Friday sale and y’all, I can say that there is literally something for everyone in this sale during the week of November 18th. I will be highlighting a different offer every single day. There is something for every level of photographer. So whether you are brand new in business or a seasoned veteran, and there’s something at every price point.
And you guys, the discounts are massive. If you’re wondering what exactly is going to be on sale, I can’t share that with you just yet, but I can tell you that there are some old favorites and some brand new offers coming that I cannot wait to share with you soon. So if you’re as excited as I am, let me know.
I want you to go to sabrinagabhart. com backslash holiday 24 and put your name on the wait list. Some of these offers have limited quantities and they will sell fast. And of course the wait list gets first dibs. I hope that you’re as excited as I am about this pre black Friday sale. And my friend, I can’t wait to see you there now back to the show.
Yeah, I love, I love those two recommendations. Truly notice. She did not say anything about pricing or quantity or anything like that because Again, the question was for photographers for it to feel successful Stop focusing on just the revenue stop focusing on the quantity if you can’t figure out how to make even just Five mini sessions work and feel good and easy and not chaotic.
You have no place creating 200 mini sessions in a year like Danielle. Okay. You’ve got to master the small quantities and let those systems and automations and the workflows. work for you so that it does feel easy because like you said, we have our full session clients, whatever that looks like to you.
And those clients get more time and attention from us because they’re paying higher rates and they should mini session clients. It’s quick. It’s in and out and you should not be spending all of this time on the back end doing this because that totally negates charging them a lower rate. If you’re spending all of this extra time away from the session.
And then I love, I love the boundaries, especially the part about limiting how many images you’re giving them and then sticking to it. I see that stake. I mean, I can’t even, I would be a millionaire if somebody gave me for a dollar a dollar. Every time I saw that photographers are shooting themselves in the foot because they’re like, but I can’t call it down, but I have to give them these images.
It’s so hard. Yeah, it is. No. And I am
Danielle: really, really bad. at share, like having too many images, but I’ve been way better this year. I’ve been like, no, no, that those are almost the same. Like, stop. You do want to give a good one because you do, like I give five, I do share. And then I give like a price. If you want all of them, you do want to do a pretty versatile gallery in that 15 minutes so that you do get that upsell because you already made the money.
You already did the work and then it’s like, Oh, sweet. Here’s an extra couple hundred bucks on them, perching all of them. So it’s a very fine line to walk between over giving and still making some extra money at the end.
Sabrina: Totally. And I hope you guys heard what she just said. She edits more than the five images because she offers an upsell.
If you package and price your mini sessions that way with the opportunity to upsell, yes, I want you to call it down to 30 and then let them pick their five and let them choose to upgrade. However, if you do not have the time, the bandwidth, the capacity, or the desire to do the upsell situation, you don’t have to.
But in that, you better call it down to five images. You better not be delivering them, giving them 30. If they’re only paying for five, number one, you are shooting yourself in the foot for them to ever hire you for anything longer than a 15 minute session. Cause they know you are going to over deliver.
Okay. They’re never going to become full session clients. And number two, you are creating so much more work for yourself. Again, this is supposed to be quick and easy. It’s supposed to flow, but if you’ve just edited, you know, six times the amount of photos you promised and you do that for every single session, you’re the reason that you’re drowning in editing,
Danielle: you know, and it, it just is a.
It just is a domino effect. They know that next year when you’re with them, they’ll go, Oh, can I actually get one of this too? Okay, can we have one more photo of this instead? Because they know you’re going to put it in their gallery and they’re going to get that image. Whereas they might ask me that, but they, they’re going to have to pay for it eventually.
Sabrina: Yeah. It’s crazy. It’s you creating the monster. Yes, exactly. Creating the monster. Yes. I, that’s another thing that we deal with a lot in coaching is photographers saying, I have clients that are so needy or they, they always are wanting this, that, and the other. And I have to say, okay, but is it cause you always give that to them?
Because if so, we need to talk about retraining your clients for boundaries, but. That’s a whole other discussion. Right? Okay, so I am curious. Um, is there one thing that you think photographers do quote unquote wrong with mini sessions? Like you see this happening and it makes you cringe because you know they’re getting in their own way.
Danielle: I definitely think that I’ve noticed Photographers that give like 10 different options for mini sessions, but they’re not really booking them. So then people go to it and they see that they have like 50 spots open. I kind of, like I said, when I add, as I go, I think it’s a mind game. So these are my four spots.
I know I can add some later, but when they see that there’s like tons open, they might be like, oh, can you actually do this? Oh, are you giving a discount on this? When they see that I have a spot that just opened up after they see all of these sold out, they’re like, oh my gosh, book right now, like get on that.
I think that you need to start small and then you can expand. And also you had told me. I have such a bad time with this too. Like, oh, I can’t, I can’t up my prices. But you were like up them now, right now at the retreat in July. You were like up them right now because you already booked a bunch of them up them now and I booked all of them.
So it, I think as the year goes on as well, last minute, bookers have to pay a little bit more.
Sabrina: Yeah.
Danielle: Which I think is great.
Sabrina: Yeah, exactly. Because so scarcity is real, you guys. Scarcity is real. And now I don’t want you to hear what we’re saying and think we’re talking about like the cringy scarcity. Like we’re not, we’re being honest and truthful.
And as Danielle releases dates and then adds more, she adds them because she knows that she is. Handling her workload and she can, yes. She’s also very good about being like, you know what? I’m done. I’m not adding anything else. So she’s kind of playing it by ear in real time. It is. It’s not like the cringey, scarcity type thing.
Danielle: And I also don’t wanna have 10 options open and book one at one location, one at another. And then I’m driving all the way, taking time away from my family for one 15 minute mini session. I want to make it work for me and I want to make the most out of that location while I’m there.
Sabrina: Yeah, exactly. And what you just mentioned about raising your prices, the year goes on.
That is something that I believe in. So firmly for so many reasons. Number one, the vast volume that Danielle books in the fall is wild. And she does not have a problem selling sessions out. And so again, she’s rewarding the people that book book early, they get first dibs, they get to be done early, they get the cheapest rate.
Maybe they booked on a discount, so it’s even cheaper. The people that slide in at the very last minute, you are doing them a favor, so to speak. And so at that point. It’s the, like the demand is so high and the need is so high that it’s absolutely okay for you to charge more for those later in the year spots, which I love.
Danielle: Totally. Okay. So
Sabrina: for the photographer who is listening to this and they’re super inspired, they’re like, okay, this is a goal I have for 2025 mini sessions. I’m going to make them smooth and easy and profitable. What do you think they’re. First step should be.
Danielle: So I actually on the wall next to my computer, I have a fall notes little thing on a whiteboard.
And as I am in the moment feeling whatever I’m feeling, I write it down. So I do not work on Fridays and it’s something that I, the last two years have kept really, really close to me. And the other day I went. Continue not working Fridays because I was so looking at my weekend going, Oh my gosh, this is insane.
So I’m like, keep that. I also wrote down the other day, add five more minutes between beach clients because I have to walk across the beach to meet the next family. So I want you to right now when you’re in the thick of it. You don’t want to forget the things that will make such a big difference in the next year.
So write them down, keep it up there all year, so that when you’re going to make your calendar for next year, you’re like, okay, yes, I did not want to work Fridays. Do not book a Friday. Do not do it. Right? Make sure. Oh, yeah, yeah. I wanted to put that five minute buffer in between because you will forget because we always forget everything.
So I want you to make a list of things that are important to you that you want to remember for next year.
Sabrina: Yeah, I love that advice so much and it’s going to serve you so well. I also want to kind of. Go a little deeper and say, like, you can put very specific things there. If there are certain issues that you were having with clients or changes you need to make to your contract or something about pricing, but also how do you, like you said, how do you feel?
Are you feeling like, like it was too many sessions? Like, you know, Danielle next year, don’t book any in November or whatever. Like. Like really make the notes and be honest because they’re just for you and you are going to forget because in spring or summer or whenever it is that you’re planning your fall minis, We forget everything that went wrong and we only focus on like, Ooh, yeah, I’m about to make a bunch of money, you know?
Um, and we forget about how to make them work well, how to make them feel good, how to take care of ourselves. We just chase that, that revenue goal, which is the recipe for disaster.
Danielle: Exactly. Exactly. Also keep track of what. Worked like my beach sellout in two seconds. So I’m like add another beach next year take away This one that maybe only four people booked or whatever Keep track of that kind of thing too how many you’re selling at what type of location?
Or how many are selling in the morning versus the evening things like that? So you can add more to what’s working and take away from what didn’t work as well
Sabrina: Yeah, that’s such great advice using your data to make future decisions So, so smart. I love that. Okay. Friends. I have something really fun to share.
Danielle has a free guide. That’s called the mini session toolkit. And if you loved our chat today, you’re definitely going to be interested in this. It’s going to be linked in the show notes, but Danielle, I would love for you to tell the listeners what’s the deal with the toolkit. What’s it all about.
Danielle: I put down everything that I personally use to be successful with mini sessions.
What I use for my booking, what I use for my gallery delivery, things that I use for culling, things that make my life a little bit easier so that everything runs smoothly. I put it all in one place for you, and then once you grab that freebie, there’s also a posing guide that pops up. If you’re stuck at mini sessions, not knowing, okay, what do I do next?
I did like the Christmas card, but I do want to have a little fun and have some variety. I put some of my favorite go to poses that I’ve been doing lately. And then I am currently working on a mini session school. Guide, which should come out next year before spring mini sessions, which we’ll have basically like a disease from marketing to the actual session to editing, things like that.
Sabrina: Really excited about that because Danielle and I have been working on that and you guys, it’s going to be so good. It’s going to be so good. So. So if you grab her mini session toolkit, her free guide, you will automatically be added to her email list. And then you’ll know you’ll get notified like when the program comes out, which is going to be amazing.
So you won’t miss it. Okay. This has been such a great chat. I knew that it was going to be mind blowing and that you were gonna have a lot of great things to say. I love to end every interview with some kind of fun personality questions at the end. So are you ready for those? Yes,
Danielle: I am.
Sabrina: Okay. Danielle, what is your current favorite guilty pleasure?
Thank you. Take care.
Danielle: I’m really into Love is Blind but not America. I watch it but it’s not great. I just finished Love is Blind Habibi, which is like Middle Eastern love is blind and it was by far my favorite season. Obsessed with it.
Sabrina: Okay, that is so fun. I’ve never, it was so
Danielle: good.
Sabrina: I have never watched love is blind.
Um, I think the listening audience knows I’ve said it enough times. I’m not a big TV watcher in general. I’m a yeah, no like that. Um, that is so fun. I love that. What is the next vacation that you have planned?
Danielle: So I just started working on the skeleton outline of our trip in, in exactly a year for my 40th birthday.
I’m going to Italy with my mom and my sister and I’ve never been and I’m so excited.
Sabrina: Oh my gosh. That’s amazing. You know where all you want to go for that trip?
Danielle: I don’t know when I’m going to be back. So my itinerary is bonkers. We are going to be here on a train, on a train, on a train. It’s, I’m so excited.
I’m like a go full speed. I want to see absolutely everything person. Oh, my
Sabrina: gosh. Because was it this time last year that you guys went to?
Danielle: Yeah. Yeah, we went to London in Paris. My mom, my mom and I for her 60th birthday. My mom and I travel so well because we’re obsessed with exactly the same things we want to eat at the same time.
We like the same movies. We like the same food. So it’s I’m so excited.
Sabrina: Oh my gosh, I’m jealous. I’m going to live vicariously through you. I love that. Um, okay. What is something that you have up your sleeve for either later this year or 2025?
Danielle: So I am dipping my toe in mentoring and it’s been going really well.
My, I’ve had a few clients in the last couple months and they’ve seen huge changes in their business working one on one with me. So I am going to next month drop. my mentoring. It doesn’t, you don’t have to live by me. It’s Zoom calls. It’s one on one focused on what, um, to get you to the next level. Um, edit with me or if you’re local you can shoot along with me.
Um, so I’m super excited for that. It’s been so fun.
Sabrina: I’m really excited for you. Um, just your wealth of knowledge and I know that people are going to learn a lot from you. Also, I don’t think they have to live local. I mean, they could fly to San Diego to work with you. Yeah, they
Danielle: could. They could. San Diego is a good place to visit.
It is. It is. There are
Sabrina: worse places that you could fly to visit somebody. Exactly. Okay. I love that. And then last one, what is a business tool or hack that you are loving right now?
Danielle: Can I shout out the people that, um, do my Emails for me. They’re amazing. So Jesse Shaw at the Focus Collective, she’s based out of Austin and she is.
Amazing. She’s a fun follow on Instagram. She has so much knowledge about marketing, but they write all of my emails and blog posts. And she has kept things running because you know, as busy season goes, you forget to email your people, but she’s right on it. And once a month, I send her my stuff. She writes my emails and keeps it going.
And she’s Amazing to work with.
Sabrina: Okay. I love that so much. You guys, I will have that linked in the show notes as well so you can check them out. My friend, this was such a good chat. Thank you for your time. Thank you
Danielle: for having me. That was so fun.
Sabrina: Yeah, this was so great. Um, I can’t wait to get the feedback on this.
I know everybody’s going to love it. So that is a wrap for today and we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks so much for listening to the shoot it straight podcast. You can find all the full show notes. And details from today’s episode@sabrinagehart.com slash podcast. Come find me and connect over on the gram at Sabrina Gehart Photography.
If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be honored if you hit that subscribe button and leave me a review. Until next time, my friends shoot it straight.
Connect with Sabrina
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I am so excited to announce the Pre-Black Friday Sale. During the week of November 18th, I will be highlighting a different offer every single day. There is something for every level of photographer, plus an offer at every price point with massive discounts. Put your name on the waitlist now to grab these offers before quantities run out.
Review the Show Notes:
Get to know Danielle Miranda (2:07)
The love-hate relationship with mini sessions (5:33)
Actual numbers from Danielle’s minis (6:34)
The journey to easy mini sessions (10:52)
Making your mini session feel successful (14:10)
Offering an up-sell and avoiding over-delivery (19:36)
What photographers do wrong with mini-sessions (21:30)
Your first step to a successful mini-session (24:33)
Mini-Session Tool Kit (27:36)
Rapid-fire questions (29:03)
Connect with Danielle:
Website: daniellemirandaphotography.com
Instagram: instagram.com/daniellemirandaphotography
Mini-Session Tool Kit: daniellemirandaphotography.com/mini-toolkit-signup
Mentoring: daniellemirandaphotography.com/photographer-mentoring
The Focus Collective: the-focus-collective.com
Connect with Sabrina:
Pre-Black Friday Sale: sabrinagebhardt.com/holiday24
Instagram: instagram.com/sabrinagebhardtphotographyWebsite: sabrinagebhardt.com