Are you ready for Fall? | Family Photography Educator

Tell me the truth, on a scale of 1 through 10, how ready for the fall portrait season are you?

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Yes, I am aware that it is June and you are likely deep into summer mode with your family and clients. But, you should also be planning for fall already.

No, I am not crazy. And yes, I am totally serious.

So, if you are bobbing your head like Joey up there and still not following me, let me explain…

As a photography educator, I teach a lot. And fall portrait season stress comes up quite a bit. Looking at the common threads I hear the most from students, here is what I want you to know:

Fall portrait season does not have to be as insane as it is! It just takes proper planning.

The other thing I want you to know is this:

That burnout you feel at the end of every year… It is from a lack of planning your fall season. They go hand-in-hand.

  • If you are tired of ending every year beat down, exhausted, and hating your job.

  • OR If you can never seem to make as much money as you were hoping for in the busy season.

  • OR If you have never put much planning into fall and you are ready for that to change.

  • OR If you are tired of having to miss out on your personal life because of all. the. editing…

Then I have the perfect thing for you! I created a brand new, mini-course, the Fall Success Kit to address exactly these issues.

I am so tired of seeing photographers struggle at the end of the year when it doesn’t have to be that way!

  • You CAN sell out your sessions early, at a premium price, and STILL have a personal life.

  • You CAN shoot the types of sessions you want and TURN DOWN the ones you hate.

  • You CAN have days off or even a vacation in your Fall season without falling behind!

SO much is possible when you plan early and plan well.

If you are ready to make this fall your most successful and most sane ever, grab your Fall Success Kit here.








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