The Right Time For Family Photos | Dallas Family Photographer

Have you ever wondered,

“When is the right time for family photos to be taken?”


If you have ever asked this question it is probably because you are building up the experience. And I get that. Photos are an investment. They take time. They take energy. Having professional photos taken is not an everyday experience.


Or can it be? 🧐


Okay, okay, I won’t try and tell you that photos are a no-big-deal everyday experience. But, I am going to try and convince you that they can be done anytime. And for any reason. And that you should stop waiting for XYZ right timing before scheduling your family photos.


The best way I can think to do this is to give you a list of times when it would be completely AMAZING and considered “the right time for family photos”…

the right time for family photos is now
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  1. You have a new baby. Whether through a traditional pregnancy or through adoption, welcoming a tiny new human into your family is the perfect time for family photos.


  2. You have a new dog. Just like welcoming a new human into your family, having a new dog (or cat. or bunny. or fill-in-the-blank) is a fun time to hire a photographer. Imagine a playful session at home where your kids are having the best time. And then imagine a puppy being in the mix. Mind-blowing, right?


  3. Your kid just reached a milestone. Whether you have a cute new baby who is changing fast. Or a toddler who does the most hilarious things. Or an elementary school kid who has lost all their baby features and loves to read. Whatever the cute phase they are in, it won’t last. Get it captured by a professional. You will never regret that choice.


  4. You are expecting a baby. Maternity photos are not what they were 10 years ago. You can have a super chill session at home with your spouse and kids and just happen to show off your baby belly. It is such a sweet time to capture before your home is rocked with a new baby and things are forever changed.


  5. You just moved. Or are about to move. Whether you are in a new home or about to move out of your home, both are a great time for a photo session. Having images of your family in the home where so much life was lived is such a gift to your future self.


  6. You are about to lose someone. Not to be a Debbie downer but if you know that someone special in your family is at the end of life. Or if you are losing a beloved pet. Those are absolutely necessary times for professional photos. Having images with loved ones is something that will always be cherished.


  7. It has been more than a year since your last photoshoot. I mentioned it earlier, but kids change fast. Life changes fast. If you aren’t documenting it on an annual basis, it is time. Plain and simple. Forget prioritizing getting images for a holiday card. Prioritize getting images of your life.


  8. It is a Tuesday. This is just to say that if none of the above apply, it is still a great time to hire a professional. No one regrets having too many photos. No one. That isn’t a thing. If you feel the urge to have photos taken soon, do it. And don’t try to justify the session with a made-up reason. Documenting the life you have built with your family is reason enough.


one year baby session in family backyard is the right time for family photos
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After more than 11 years as a photographer, I can tell you with 100% honesty that I have shot many, many sessions in every one of the above categories. And my own family has had our photos taken for the same reasons.


At the end of the day, stop waiting for the perfect time to hire a photographer. Don’t wait for the hair appointment. The loss of 20 pounds. The kitchen to be remodeled. The kids snaggle tooth to fall out. The dogs to be trained. The carpet to be replaced. The perfect outfit to be found.


Stop waiting. Stop putting it off. Stop trying to justify the time and expense.


Photos matter. Of today. Of life. Of the season you are in. They matter. And they are a gift to your future self.


family photos at home with a dog and new baby are so special
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If you are interested in a family session with me, I would LOVE to chat. You can shoot me an email and we will get that conversation started.

And if you aren’t quite ready to hire a photographer but want to stay in the know, hop on my email list. This is where I share availability, new opportunities, model calls and just all around fun parenting-type stuff. 


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