Top 5 Tips for Booking Your Newborn or Fresh 48 Session | Fort Worth Newborn Photographer

If you’ve got babies on the brain, and you know you will start (or add to) your family within the next couple of years, then I’ve got news – it’s not too early to start to consider your ideal newborn or Fresh 48 photographer. Yes, I know I’m biased. As a newborn photographer here in the Fort Worth area for close to 12 years, this is what I know and love. I also know that being prepared is everything, especially when it comes to baby. With that in mind, I’ve gathered the top 5 tips on preparing to book your newborn or Fresh 48 session.

 #1. Slow your scroll

Hit your favorite social media channels and start to follow photographers that produce newborn work that you love. Over time, narrow it down to your top three favorites that are within a reasonable distance from your home or local hospital. In addition to the images on their feeds, watch them on Stores or IGTV or read the blogs on their websites – and try to get a feel for the personalities of the photographers you’re following. This is a person who will be with you during a very important time. You want to trust them and you want to LIKE them. It’s so key that you feel that both baby AND you are in good hands.

 #2. Ready for Research

Perhaps you’ve been following photographer feeds for a few months or maybe even a few years by now. But when it’s time to step up that research, I recommend signing up for the newsletters of your top picks. A photographer’s newsletter list almost always gets first dibs on dates and availability and will help you keep them top of mind as well. Among your favorite newborn photographers, make sure you’ve looked up pricing, location and booking procedures so you’re ready to activate when the time comes! And that brings me to…

 #3. Before you Announce, Be Ready to Pounce

Believe it or not (but believe it – I would know 😉 ) — once you see those two pink lines that confirm you’ve got a baby on board, it’s time to book your photographer. Yes, that means maybe even before you spill the beans to your family and friends. The best photographers book up VERY early, so make sure you’ve gathered your research and you’re ready to confirm. This sweet babe of yours will only be a newborn once and you’ll want to make sure you have the photographer your heart is set on for this milestone.

 #4. Reap the Rewards of Booking Early

When you’ve booked and the deposit is in, I can promise that your photographer is going to be as excited as you are about your baby on the way. Okay, maybe not EXACTLY as excited, but honestly – a happy dance will be done. And you can rest easy knowing that you secured exactly who you want to capture you and your brand-new baby – and that, that photographer wasn’t booked because you didn’t move quickly enough.


Booking early also ensures that the bond and relationship with your photographer begins months before baby’s arrival, which fosters a comfort and familiarity that you’ll really appreciate in those early days with your newborn.

#5 Picture This

Fast forward to your baby’s arrival. You’ve got a perfect newborn with 10 fingers and 10 toes and you’re relishing in all that those early days bring. But what you’re not doing is fretting, because you can see baby changing every day before your very eyes, and you’re short on sleep, but you need to research a photographer. Nope – you’ve got that ALL figured out and you can let your photographer do the heavy lifting of checking in, confirming and making sure your first magical days and weeks with your newborn are captured forever.


Still have questions? Shoot me an email here and let’s start a conversation! 


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