12 Ideas for Self-Care for Photographers

As photographers, we love what we do and the clients we serve, but let’s face it: everyone needs a break sometimes.

If you’re like me, your eyes are tired after spending many hours staring at a computer screen. Your brain is fried and mentally exhausted after photographing session after session, and I’m guessing that sometimes, even your body aches, too!

Still, despite the fact that we know that we need to carve out time for ourselves, it can feel like mental gymnastics to convince our brains to hit pause on the hustle and rest instead. But I promise, if you make the time to care for yourself (and don’t skip it or try to fill it with something else!), you’ll feel the benefits immediately, for sure, but for days and weeks to come as well.

self care for photographers
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Here are my favorite go-to activities for self-care for photographers:

  1. Massage: Even a shorter massage time feels luxurious amidst the busyness of work and life! Here’s my favorite place for a massage.
  2. Visit Your Chiropractor: We photographers love to get in silly and awkward positions when we’re shooting. Care for your back with regular adjustments!
  3. Sauna Session: I absolutely love pairing a good workout with time in the sauna. This one is my favorite and it has lots of locations to choose from.
  4. Foot Detox: If you’ve never tried this, trust me: you’ll be obsessed! A foot detox bath pulls toxins out of your body and helps your mind feel clearer.
  5. Take a Yoga Class: If you’ve ever attended a Root to Rise Mastermind Retreat, this is a staple of our time together for a reason! Yoga can be so relaxing and can also help build your strength.
  6. Take a Long Walk: Grab your Airpods or your canine friend and go for a long walk in a park, nature area or neighborhood you enjoy.
  7. Manicure or Pedicure: It’s amazing what refreshed nails can do for your self-confidence and relaxation!
  8. Therapy: Yes, this counts as self-care, too! It’s important to prioritize your mental health always, full stop.
  9. Go to Bed Early + Read: Here’s another hot tip – I love to make an evening out of this activity! Start by taking a bath, then get into cozy pajamas, crawl into clean sheets and read!
  10. Take on a Craft Project, Just for Fun: Have you always wanted to try pottery, ceramics, painting, or hand-lettering? Make time to expand and explore your creativity!
  11. Enjoy Lunch with Friends: Who’s to say you have to schedule a girls’ lunch on a weekend? Make a plan to meet your friends for lunch on a work day, and take your time enjoying their company.
  12. White Space: I saved my favorite idea for last! White Space is my term for pre-planned, intentional blank spaces on your calendar for you to do NOTHING work-related and instead, ask yourself one simple question: “What do I need today?”

    If spending an afternoon reading poolside sounds like a slice of heaven, give yourself the permission to do that. The point here is that you don’t allow yourself to use this time for work, running errands, or housework – it’s time to take care of YOU.

Want more encouragement? Check out this post over on Instagram, and follow along with me there, won’t you?

Interested in a coaching experience where we not only grow your business but also focus on self-care for photographers? Check out my mastermind, Root to Rise.

photographers need self care too
12 Ideas for Self-Care for Photographers 4


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