The Importance of Batch Work | Photography Education


In this photography business Q&A session, I share the answers to a few questions asked on Instagram. Hit play below or scroll down to read the post.

 Here we go with another edition of Q & A. There are three questions this week.


1. Can you talk about what batch day work you do on which days? 


First of all, during the busy season it’s a free for all. Editing happens in every pocket of time that I have.

I do have one full day a week where I will set aside to focus on some new education offerings that I‘m working on because that’s really ramping up.

With that being said, busy season is not the time for all this stuff. Get the clients taken care of. Get the photos edited. Get things turned around quickly. 


However, the other eight months of the year when business is at a normal shooting pace, what that looks like for me is this: 

  • Monday is what I call a CEO day. I am in my business. I am responding to things that need responding to. I am putting things on my calendar. I am chatting with clients. I am sending out session prep guides. I am invoicing, if needed. I am doing tax reports, etc.

  • Tuesdays are when I am culling and editing sneak peeks and submitting to The Image Salon. 

  • Wednesdays are the day that I am creating content. I am blogging, creating reels, and working on my Instagram captions for the next week. 

  • Thursdays I finish galleries. All the galleries that came back to me from Image Salon get finalized and sent off to clients. 

  • Friday I am focusing on educational content. That’s when I‘m creating my content for my membership students. That’s when I‘m writing my educational newsletter, lifestyle lessons, that goes out on Monday. 


But here’s what I want you to know, just figure out what works. You don’t have to do what I do. When you do find that rhythm, it’s going to feel so easy. 


2. I need blog topics, please! I feel like I’m always writing about the same thing. 


I have three points for you.

Number one, repurpose, repurpose, repurpose! Any good social media caption, newsletter topic or funny reel can be turned into a blog post. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel with everything and repurpose what you have.


The next thing is to take the pressure off yourself. It does not have to be an incredibly written beautiful piece every single time.

If you can come up with one amazing piece of content per month it would make a huge difference in your SEO. Then, fill in the blanks for the rest of the month with super mediocre stuff. All you need to be doing in the meantime is filling in images, keywords, SEO stuff, just to keep Google happy and show you that your website is changing and things are pinging.


The third thing about blogging is I want you to know that it’s a great idea to step outside of photography. A lot of times as photographers, we focus on what do my clients need to know to work with me? What are their frequently asked questions? What makes a successful session? What should they wear?

Stop that! What do you have in common with your people? What points of interest do you share with your ideal client? If you are a foodie and your clients are, do a blog post about all the amazing places around town to eat. Better yet, do one per location.

If you love to garden and so do a lot of your clients, talk about gardening tips or gardening updates or your gardening journey. If you have twins, write about twin life and twin momming and funny twin stories and all of that. If you love to shop at local boutiques, feature them.

Literally, any common point of interest that you have with your ideal clients is a great thing to write about whether or not it has to do with photography. The point is you are creating content that they want to read. Therefore, they are coming to your website.


3. When are you going to share your big announcement that you’ve been hinting at?! 


I‘m going to tell you a few things. I‘m not going to spill the beans! I‘m hoping that it will be public before Thanksgiving, which is very, very soon. So stay tuned. If you didn’t know, I have a membership and one of the perks they have is that they get first dibs on any new offering or thing I have. So, they get to hear about it first. 


I am so excited! Reverberating excitement over this! I cannot wait to share it with you. All I can say is stay tuned. It’s coming.


If you are interested in getting on my weekly subscribers list I would love to have you! I send out a Monday morning newsletter called Lifestyle Lessons and it has 3-4 tips, tricks or pieces of information. Easy Peasy.



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