Are you ready to make 2021 your year? | Photography Business Course


Tell me, how did 2020 end for your business?

Did you finish the year loving life and on fire for your business?

Or did you end up crawling to the finish line, exhausted, overwhelmed and hoping to never have to edit another image for your entire life?

It’s okay to be honest. And maybe you feel a mix of both.

Let me ask you another question: Did you feel like you were in control of your business last year? Or was it more like you were chasing something that had a mind of its own, and you couldn’t quite catch it no matter how hard you tried?


I know 2020 was a dumpster fire. And it threw everyone for a loop. But my guess is that you were left chasing your business because of your lack of intention, not the pandemic.

Running a photography business is hard work. Whether you are brand new or have been in business for years, it will never run on autopilot so if you don’t take the reins and tell it where to do, you will always be left spinning your wheels.

This is why I have created my new course, The Organized Photographer. I want to teach you the same principles that I have taught other photographers for years.

In this course, I spend 7 weeks teaching you one foundational change per week so that at the end of the course, you will have made huge changes in your business.

Before I ask you to enroll, I would love for you to join me for a Free, Live Masterclass where I am teaching 3 Keys to Your Best Year Yet. This is a great introduction to the course and will have great standalone content for you to walk away with to set yourself up for success in 2021.



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