Frequently Asked Questions About Family Photo Sessions

I hear you and these are the answers to your most frequently asked questions about family photo sessions in the Fort Worth/Dallas metroplex.

1. Where do you recommend we shoot our family session?

A: At home! So much life is lived in your home and that is the best, easiest and most relaxed space to shoot!

2. My home doesn’t look like a magazine, is that okay?

A: Of course! Most homes don’t look like a magazine but your family still laughs and loves there and that is what makes it perfect!

3. What is lifestyle photography?

A: Lifestyle photography is being more concerned with the connection and emotions than capturing a perfect portrait. In lifestyle photography I will have you engage with your newborn and your spouse a lot. You will barely ever look at my camera. Lifestyle sessions are so casual and easy. If you have older children they will be encouraged to play and laugh and you won’t have to worry about them being still and giving me a “cheesy” face. If you have never done a lifestyle photography session before, I can promise you that it will be the easiest session you have ever done.

4. What do you recommend we wear for our family session?

A: If we are shooting in your home, I want you to be comfortable. The second piece of advice is to dress yourself first and then coordinate the rest of the family. If you don’t feel beautiful, then you won’t love the photos. Flowy dresses and skirts look lovely on camera but if that isn’t your jam, I am cool with whatever you choose. My only color recommendation is to steer clear of deep, dark or super bold colors. When shooting at home, lighter is generally more flattering and easier to work with.

lifestyle family photographer in fort worth texas frequently asked questions about family photo sessions
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5. Do you offer mini sessions?

A: I do offer mini sessions but only at certain times of the year. I offer them in an extremely limited quantity and often, only to my mailing list. If you want to get on that list, you can sign up for it here

6. Are you cool with dogs and cats?

A: I sure am! I am a dog Mom myself and always welcome pet participation.

7. What if my children are crazy during the session?

A: They probably will be! And that is 100% okay with me! Honestly, I prefer a little chaos over perfectly behaved kiddos. Just leave the kids to me and love them through the mess. The best advice I can give you is to set your expectations accordingly and know that they will be wild and then be prepared to laugh your way through the session.

8. Can you just take pictures of just the kids?

A: My short answer is no. I believe wholeheartedly that every session should involve both parents, or at the very least, Mom. Kids deserve to have photos with their parents as they grow up. Photos with your children leave a legacy with them. Because I feel so strongly about this, I will not photography a family session without the parents involvement. 

9. What happens during a family session at home?

A: Honestly, a lot! When I arrive, I will take a tour of your house so that I can get an idea for where the best light is and in those spaces is where we will shoot. Some of the setups will be snuggling or dancing. Some might be reading a favorite book or tickling kiddos. And sometimes we include a few minutes of a favorite activity like legos or baking in the kitchen. It really depends on what your family loves to do and how we can make the session unique for your family.

dallas family photography in studio
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10. Will you take pictures of everyone smiling and looking at the camera?

A: I might take one or two but the vast majority of your gallery will be fun, real, engaging and focused on joyful connection. There will be a lot of images with one person looking at the camera but only a handful with everyone looking.

11. I’m so awkward in front of the camera, can you help?

A: I can! And guess what? You don’t have to look at the camera for the entire session if you don’t want to! That is one of the best things about lifestyle photography, you just forget I am there and focus on loving on your kiddos. This helps you to relax and I promise to make you look great.

12. What do you recommend for a smooth session?

A: A calm and chill morning is the best advice I can give you. That normally means waking up earlier than normal to allow lots of extra time. Play music. Have a fun breakfast and keep things light and airy. Don’t put pressure on your kids to perform and just breathe. I have a longer email with even more suggestions that I send out about a week before our time together. 

13. Do you offer payment plans?

A: I do! Inquire for more information.

14. What is natural light?

A: Natural light is the light that comes into your home from the sun. The best way to gauge how much natural light your home has is to turn off all the interior lights and lamps, then open all the curtains and blinds. 

15. Why does the session depend on weather if the session is indoors?

A: Because I am a natural light photographer, I need the sun to successfully shoot your session. If skies are dark and overcast, the inside of your home will be downright gloomy. I have been doing this for 10 years so just trust me that rescheduling is always better than settling for poor lighting.

Still have questions after reading through all the frequently asked questions about family photo sessions? I am always happy to help. Shoot me an email and lets get those questions answered. Or if you want to get yourself onto my email list for updates, events, deals and generally fun stuff, you can do that here.

aledo family photo session at home
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