An open letter to all the Moms:

Your home (and car, and shopping cart) are filled with little ones. There are more blogs and memes – and well-meaning ladies on the street – who are quick to tell you new moms to “enjoy every minute” and that “these are the days.” All the while, your reality tells you something completely different. 

Maybe your new baby isn’t on a schedule yet, and slept all day but kept you up all night. You think to yourself, will I ever sleep? 

Your life was once dictated by a schedule of your own design and was super quiet and orderly. Now it is loud and chaotic. Will you ever hear yourself think again?

motherhood and baby girl snuggling in studio

You might love a snuggle as much as the next person, but someone is ALWAYS touching you. For the first time in your life, you ask yourself if you will ever have some personal space. 

There is always a hard-to-identify substance gracing some surface in your formerly clean-as-a-whistle home. Ditto that on the shoulder of your much-loved top. Will your clothes and house ever be clean again?

While you’re thinking of it, it also seems like someone is ALWAYS CRYING. Is a break from refereeing fights between siblings, and kissing the boo-boos that follow EVER going to be on the horizon?

mother and young daughter in studio

I get it. These are the things no one says but, as a seasoned mama and newborn and family photographer, I see myself and have thought more times than I can count. What I can tell you, 14 years into this parenting gig and 11 as a newborn and family photographer, is that slowly but surely, the tide will turn

The time will come when no one needs you in the morning and you actually get to shower and put on makeup. You will sleep through the night without interruptions. The time will come when your kiddos go to school all day and your house is quiet and calm. And your child calms their own tears.

Let’s say how it really is in the early years without sugarcoating it – things are hard. But I can promise that they won’t always be. 

mother and young son playing blocks together

I see you, Mama. And I am with you. You are doing an incredible job. You love your babies without measure and do your best by them every day, no matter how you feel.

It. Is. Enough. You. Are. Enough.

In fact, you’re exactly the mama your babies need. 

To read more- everything from photo session prep to helpful new mama resources – you can visit the blog or reach out and say hello

mom and baby girl sitting in lap in studio


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