Pancakes | Fort Worth Documentary Photographer

Some of you might recognize this beautiful family. They are the beautiful faces behind the amazing company High Street Homes and Phillips House Co. If you don’t already follow them online, you definitely should. You can find them on instagram and facebook at several accounts but my personal favorites are this one and this one. They also have a pretty delicious newsletter too, so sign up:)

I have been lucky enough to work with them several times over the past few years. And every time, I leave with cheeks aching from smiling so much…partly because they are a dream to photograph and partly because they are some of the kindest people I have ever met.

For this session we wanted to do something a bit different so we decided to do a documentary session. I came to their home on a Saturday morning and we captured life with three littles. Pancake making, coffee drinking, lego building, story reading and couch jumping…all in pajamas. It was so amazing.


And let me just tell you how relieved I was that the session went well. You see, originally, their session was scheduled for the day after we got home from Colorado last summer. (yes, I am terribly overdue on blogging). But, as some of you may remember that on our drive home from Colorado last summer I was in excruciating pain. So much so that the next morning, after my husband went to work, I called a babysitter and drove myself to the ER. Within a couple hours of being there I had the results from a ct scan telling me that I had appendicitis and would be in the OR within an hour.

So, needless to say, things didn’t go as planned that week. I texted these sweet clients and let them know what was going on and we rescheduled. I hate rescheduling on clients. I understand when it is weather related or if something is going on with them. But I hate it when it is ME that has the issue. I guess I like to think I am invincible and this was definitely a lesson in humility. But, these guys were so kind and understanding and treated it like it was no big deal. And man, oh man, do I appreciate the grace.

Anyways, the session went as perfectly as I had hoped it would. There was chaos, laughter, messes and real life. It was such a great morning capturing what their life is like.

Interested in a documentary session? I would love to tell you more about what makes these sessions so special. Shoot me an email and let’s chat!


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