A Peek Inside Photography Business Mastermind: Root to Rise Online Seat

Last year, I began enrolling online-only seats inside my photography business mastermind program, Root to Rise. While the three-day, in-person retreat experience is one of my favorite parts of the program, I know that a lot of women don’t have the time, the desire to travel, the budget, or the photography background that the retreat requires. Still, I knew in my heart that the teachings inside the program – and the community it fosters – could still serve them well without the retreat component.

In addition to all of the magic and goodness that happens at the retreat, the bulk of the program is conducted online, including four months of weekly learning, 1:1 Voxer hours with me each week, and teachings from a variety of guest experts. The online-only seat is still a fruitful experience for the women who’ve participated in that way, and I know that it’s blessed their lives and their businesses to have that intentional nurture and support for themselves as women and for their work lives, too.

Want to know more about what an online-only seat inside Root to Rise feels like? Keep reading!

group of female photographers meet on zoom for online business education during photography business mastermind
A Peek Inside Photography Business Mastermind: Root to Rise Online Seat 3

Photography Business Mastermind The Work: Four Months of Weekly Group Teaching, Monthly Guest Experts, 1:1 Weekly Voxer Access + Book Club

Each month inside Root to Rise, all of the women who participate in the program are invited to weekly group teaching calls led by me. From defining success and setting goals to money mindset, setting boundaries, and more, each group call is a cornerstone teaching to help you run a sustainable photography business that doesn’t burn you out.

I also welcome at least one guest expert teaching per month to propel my students forward in a specific area of business. From technology to social media, feminine energy, money, and more, I bring in only the best women who are generous with their knowledge and truly have the heart to help other women grow.

In addition, my mastermind students have weekly 1:1 Voxer access to me inside Root to Rise. I set aside specific hours of my work days each week to offer 1:1 support on whatever each woman needs. If she’s struggling to show up on social media, we can work through that in Voxer Hours. If she wants to celebrate a client win, we can celebrate that in Voxer Hours. And if she wants a listening ear as she brainstorms a new service or offering, that’s a perfect topic to explore in Voxer Hours, too.

One more highlight each month inside the program is our book club. Each month, we read a book together, and one of our weekly calls is dedicated to diving into the book together. We’ve read books about money mindset and building wealth, building courageous businesses, and developing strong, game-changing habits over time. Plus, the books are included in your online-only enrollment!

The Perks: No Travel, Lower Investment + COMMUNITY

While the retreat experience is one that I cherish, it’s not always the right time or the right fit for everyone, which is why the online-only seat is a perfect option for those whose travel plans, family or work commitments, or even professional talents don’t quite align with the retreat agenda.

One major component of every Root to Rise retreat is spent photographing three different sessions together. These shoots are incredible for learning and for growing each photographer’s personal portfolio, but if you’re not a photographer, yet you still want to tap into the teachings and the community that Root to Rise is known for, an online-only seat may be a great fit for you without the need to invest in a retreat component that may not be entirely aligned.

What remains the same for the women inside Root to Rise, regardless of whether they invest in a retreat seat or an online-only seat, are the relationships. The friendships that are cultivated throughout the mastermind are truly life-changing. We all need business besties to support us and cheer us on, and there’s nothing like tapping into a community of like-minded women by participating in a program like this!

Want to learn more about the Root to Rise mastermind and online-only experience? Join the waitlist here to be the first to know when the next round launches!

photography business coach sabrina gebhardt wearing a colorful dress discussing the root to rise mastermind


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