When you are considering where to spend your education dollars next year, you might be seriously considering investing in a Mastermind. Personally, I love this idea and let me tell you why.
Before I tell you why you should consider joining a Mastermind, let me tell you what exactly it is.
In most cases, a Mastermind is a small group, online education experience that meets at least once a week for 3-6 months. Some are a longer commitment and some are shorter but in general, this is a cohort of people who are wanting to grow in the same way and are committed to supporting each other in the process.
Normally a Mastermind is run by a lead educator who keeps the group on track, provides educational value, holds the group accountable and keeps the group moving forward.

Why you should join a photography education mastermind
- Long-term relationship building
One of the best things about a Mastermind is the long-term commitment of it. You will be working with this group of people over the course of several months. This is one thing I think that a Mastermind has over a retreat or conference.
By its very nature, when you are checking in with the same small group of people on a weekly basis, for months and months, relationships will develop. And this is a great thing because industry relationships keep you going, they lift you up, they offer encouragement and act as a sounding board when you need one.
- Small weekly time commitment
While joining a Mastermind will have a huge benefit to the growth and development of your business, the time commitment is relatively small. If you can carve out a couple of hours per week for a few months, you will see big change. Trust me, you can find the time.
- More time to develop and follow through
This is the beauty of committing to a group that will be together for months. You actually have time to do the work and follow through.
When you choose a conference, workshop or even a mentoring experience, it can often feel like “drinking from a fire hydrant”… You are getting so much information so fast. And while the information is incredibly valuable, it is hard to reign it in and see real progress. Often times you come home from these events really motivated but also really overwhelmed and then you end up paralyzed and doing nothing.
In contrast, a mastermind is like a slow burn. You are eating the elephant one small, manageable bite at a time.
- Travel isn’t a factor
A Mastermind experience is generally a big enough financial commitment to keep you engaged and participating but with this investment, you don’t have to factor in travel expenses! While traveling to retreats and conferences is really fun and a great experience, the travel expenses can easily double you investment. With a Mastermind, nothing sneaks up on you and you know exactly what the investment costs.

How to Choose the Right Mastermind for You
- What is the theme?
This seems obvious, but do you like what the theme is and what you will learn? Think about where you want your business to be in a year or two. Does this Mastermind offer the education to get you there?
- Who is leading it?
I have mentioned this before in other educational posts but it is SO important that you actually like who is leading the experience. If you don’t like this person, you will for sure not get nearly as much out of the experience. Before committing to a Mastermind, really look at who the leader is, if you jive with them and if they are in the same part of the industry that you are.
- How long does it last?
Look at your calendar and make sure that you will be able to commit to the entire experience. For example, if the Mastermind is running through the summer and you are planning to spend a month in Europe with your family, this might not be the right experience to commit to.
- Weekly time commitment?
Like I mentioned above, look at your weekly calendar and make sure you have the space and the bandwidth to commit to the weekly meetings. This is such a HUGE part of a successful Mastermind experience. There is no quicker way to fail than not having the time to commit and just skipping out on all the meetings.
- Is it all taught live or just video content like a course?
I personally believe that a Mastermind should be taught live when at all possible. The word “mastermind” is kind of a buzzword these days and gets thrown around when it shouldn’t. Make sure you are looking into something that is live and not all pre-recorded more like a course. (Those can be very valuable too but are not the same thing as a true Mastermind experience).
- How often do you get access to the instructor?
There is no right or wrong answer here, just something to consider when you are looking at your options.
Want to learn more about my new Mastermind and Retreat experience, Root to Rise? You can do that here.
Not ready for a mastermind and just want some free stuff? Grab your FREE Business Blueprint at the link below or pop over to YouTube and subscribe to my channel.