31: Consistency in Marketing with Amanda Warfield


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31: Consistency in Marketing with Amanda Warfield 3

If you are struggling with showing up consistently in your marketing, this episode is for you. Today I’m diving deep with soon-to-be author and host of the Chasing Simple podcast, Amanda Warfield. Amanda is a creative content strategist, and in this episode she is sharing her insight on why consistency in marketing is so important for your business. She shares reasons why so many entrepreneurs find consistency so difficult, and what you can do today to implement better strategy in your marketing. 

The Shoot It Straight Podcast is brought to you by Sabrina Gebhardt, photographer and educator. Join us each week as we discuss what it’s like to be a female creative entrepreneur while balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood. If you’re trying to find balance in this exciting place you’re in, yet willing to talk about the hard stuff too, Shoot It Straight Podcast is here to share practical and tangible takeaways to help you shoot it straight

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Today’s episode is brought to you by Root to Rise, a four month mastermind and retreat for female photographers where personal development meets business growth. During the four month experience, students have weekly calls focusing on a variety of topics that both better their lives and their businesses, along with incredible guest teachers, a private Facebook community, and weekly Voxer hours! One of the best parts of the experience is definitely the three day in person retreat. The women who have gone through this program have had some absolutely incredible transformations reached massive goals and changed the trajectory of their businesses. Come join us for Root to Rise!

Review the Show Notes:

Get to know Amanda Warfield (1:54)

Marketing for the female creative entrepreneur (6:07)

What it means to be consistent with your marketing (7:05)

How to start being consistent (11:26)

Reasons entrepreneurs struggle with consistency and how to combat them (18:00)

Implement consistent marketing today (24:15)

Rapid-fire questions (25:15)

Episode Links:

The Round Table

Root To Rise Mastermind & Retreat

Business Blueprint Freebie

Sustainability Freebie

Connect with Amanda:



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31: Consistency in Marketing with Amanda Warfield 4

Review the Transcript:

Sabrina Gebhardt
On today’s episode of the shoot straight podcast, we have my friend Amanda Warfield of chasing simple. She is a content marketing strategist and we are going there today. And what we’re specifically talking about is consistency. And if you have been around the shoot straight podcast for any number of episodes, you know that I love consistency. So if you are struggling with your marketing plan if you are struggling with showing up regularly for your business, or if you’re struggling with the underlying issues that are maybe holding you back from talking about your business regularly, today’s episode is definitely going to be for you. Welcome to the shoot it straight podcast. I’m your host, Sabrina Gephardt. Here I will share an honest take on what it’s like to be a female creative entrepreneur. while balancing business motherhood and life. myself along with my guests will get vulnerable through honest conversations and relatable stories because we’re willing to go there. If you’re trying to find balance in this exciting place you’re in yet willing to talk about the hard stuff to to shoot it straight podcast is here to share practical and tangible takeaways to help you shoot it straight. Welcome back to the shoot it straight podcast today we’ve got my friend, Amanda Warfield. And I’m really, really excited because Amanda and I got connected on the Instagram. I don’t know, maybe a year ago, maybe a year and a half ago. I don’t know time flies. And she has taught in my group and I have been on her podcast and now it’s her turn to be on mine. And so this is one of those situations where we follow each other online. And now we’ve gotten to kind of know each other. And it’s really fun because it’s going to make the conversation just like friends, right? And we’re like old friends at this point. So Amanda Warfield is in charge of chasing simple the podcast, the business, she’s got a content planner, she’s got a book coming out, I hope it’s okay that I say that. She does so many cool things. And she also has another hustle where she is a Disney travel agent, which is like so rad. Anyways, that is just a little bit about her. But I’m gonna let you introduce yourself. First of all, I’m

so excited. And it’s funny because I have zero like placement and time of when we got Oh, but the last three years have just been this time warp where everything happened all at the same time. Basically, it feels like

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, yeah, it’s really hard. I feel like now that I’m not like a student in school. I’m like, when was that? Exactly? You know, it’s really hard.

And if there isn’t some, like, anchor in time, some big thing that happened, I have no clue when anything happened. Totally, totally. But for those that haven’t met me yet, I’m Amanda Warfield. I was simplicity focused content marketing, and launch strategist. And like Sabrina said, I’m the host of the chasing simple podcast, my book, which will also be titled chasing simple because I’m not creative and naming things is also coming out this summer, which I’m really, really excited about. And I know, Sabrina actually has gotten to read and very early draft of it, which is really fun. So yeah, we we’ve done a lot together. And we have It’s realizing this now.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, we’ve done a lot together and just however long it’s been I don’t know. Um, okay, so today we are chatting about something really fun that Amanda knows all about. And I, I like to think I know a little bit about but she’s the she’s the mastermind here. So it’s gonna be a great conversation. But before we dive into today’s topic, back up and tell me how you got started in business and like what your trajectory has been?

Yeah, absolutely. So when I started my business back in 2018, which is crazy that it’s almost been five years. But back in 2018, started my business, I was actually teaching on capsule wardrobes, and symbol living. And that was what I was really passionate about all the time, I was super excited to be able to like, oh, I can create courses online, I was also a teacher. So it was like, Oh, I can take my educational background and do that online was something I’m super passionate about. How cool is that? And so I started a blog, started a business and was talking about cats wardrobes, and civil living and things like that, and at some point kind of veered more into time management. And then I started noticing that other entrepreneurs really struggle with time management, because they lacked that structure, right? We we can do whatever we want at any given time. And so I started teaching on that more. And that turned into this topic of consistency with your content marketing, which is what we’re going to talk about today. And I had created this system for myself for creating a month’s worth of content. At one time in one week. I was able to batch out a whole month’s worth of content and then I could spend three weeks not worrying about marketing myself, which was really, really nice. And I happen to share about that on Instagram one day and people lost their minds. I had never gotten so many messages before. And it made me sit back and go, Oh, okay, this is actually a problem that other people have, too. It’s not just me. And so I started talking more and more about content batching. And that just kind of evolved into this full love of marketing. So it’s really funny that really the core of my business as it is today started with this topic of consistency.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, that’s so cool. I love how you were so in tune with your audience, and you picked up that little nugget of, oh, this is where things are gonna go. Right. I love that you were super aware.

I want to say I want to pat myself on the back for that. But honestly, it was so obvious because I had significantly more messages than I had ever gotten before. I mean, I people left and right, were DMing me about this. And I was like, oh, okay, let me try it again. And so then I posted about it again. And the same thing happened. And I posted about it again, the same thing happened. And that was when I was finally Alright, they’re hitting me over the head with this. Yeah, I should move towards this.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, no, I love that. I love it. So before we get really deep into this conversation, we’re talking about consistency and marketing. But why don’t you define for me like, what you’re gonna what you’re calling marketing for this female, creative, small business entrepreneur. So good. Because

I this is what I struggled with. When I first started my business. Originally, I was like, I’m terrible at marketing. I suck at it. And now it’s what I do for a living. Yeah. Marketing is such a vague term, we hear the word marketing, and we’re like, Yeah, I mean, I kind of know what that is. But like, what is it really, all it is, is using in if we’re talking specifically content marketing, using content that we’re creating, to get the word out about our businesses. So marketing is just whatever it is that you’re doing, to let other people know that your business exists. And it’s really as simple as that. But there are so many different facets of marketing, that we can get really overwhelmed by it.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah. And that overwhelm is a really big part of the problem. And I’m sure we’re going to talk about it today. So when we start talking about consistency, and marketing, right consistency, and selling ourselves consistency, and putting ourselves in our business out there, like, what does that even look like? Right? Like, what does that mean?

Yeah, so good. A lot of times, we look at marketing experts, and those, those bigger business owners that we look up to, and we see them talking about best practices for any individual content platform. Oh, well, if you post to Instagram Stories five times a day, you’re gonna continue to show up best and people’s feeds. And if you post it this time, yada, yada, we look and we hear people talk about these best practices. And we think, Okay, well, I as a solopreneur, a very small business owner, maybe I have a small team, I need to work to those best practices, I’ve got to show up all the time, create a ton of content, and that time gonna grow my business. But in reality, that’s great for those businesses that have large teams, I have a couple clients that have massive teams, like 1020 people, there are the kind of people that can put out YouTube and podcast and blog and Tiktok and Instagram, because they have other people on their team doing that for them. They’re creating the bare minimum of that actual process. They’re not doing the entire full from concept to scheduled, right. They’re just doing the littlest bit. And so they’re able to put on a ton of content. But most of us are just these these small baby owners. Yeah. And it’s not realistic. And that’s how we end up in even more overwhelm, we end up burning ourselves out on our content, which just consistency is gone at that point, right? We’re done, we’re ghosting. And so what consistency actually means is setting a schedule that you can stick to, and it’s realistic for you, whether that’s showing up daily, on Instagram stories, or whether that’s showing up once a week, whether that’s putting out a new podcast episode every week, or whether it’s putting one out once a month, it doesn’t really matter the rate that you’re showing up, as long as you’re showing up when you say you’re going to

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, yeah, I love that. And I mean, I think it’s so important to set realistic expectations for yourself. I mean, just from the sole fact that like we are all in different seasons of life, right? Like, I have three kids, you have no kids, you know, some of us are single, some of us are married, some of us are divorced, some people have health issues, or I mean, it’s it’s all plays a part in what you can manage, and trying to run your business the same way. Like you said, as people who have this massive team, it’s like not fair, it’s not fair to yourself. You know,

it’s like the same where people are like, Oh, Beyonce has the same 24 hours in a day is you know, she doesn’t know

Sabrina Gebhardt
she absolutely does not. She’s got like 10 other people’s 24 hours. Yeah, right. She’s got

a whole team that are helping her. And, you know, it’s in theory, it’s a great sentiment, but realistically, no It’s not the same, it’s definitely not the same. And not only does showing up consistently, and when you say you will, it’s good for your mental health one, it’s good for your own overwhelm. But it also builds the know like and trust factor with your audience when they know, hey, Sabrina is gonna show up every Tuesday with a new podcast episode. I don’t know if that’s when your podcast actually goes live. But when I know that every Tuesday when her new podcast episode goes out, when I go my morning walk, that’s what I’m listening to on Tuesday mornings, and it sets up this rhythm where they know Oh, I’m gonna have her in my earbuds every Tuesday morning. And I trust that that new episode is going to come out. But if you say I’m going to show up every Wednesday, and then you skip a week, or your people are going where’s your episode? And if you think they’re not paying attention they are because I can guarantee you the times where my I’ve had a tech issue, and an episode hasn’t gone out. It’s all these DMS. Hey, this week’s episode is not out what’s going on. And even I’m over here, like no one listens to my podcast? Like, why would they listen, I get those DMS, even if this is a little small time creator. And so it’s so important that you show up when you say you’re going to be because your people really do pay attention to that. And they really do say, Hey, this is when I’m listening to this podcast, and I’ve got a routine around it.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Totally. And here’s the thing about consistency. And like what is realistic for you? I know, I’m gonna get asked how do we decide what’s realistic for us? Like, how do we learn? How do we figure that out? Is there a starting point that you recommend? And then like, what’s the process,

the starting point that I typically recommend is, do your best to lay out what you feel like is a realistic plan for you look at the amount of content you have been putting out. So maybe your goal has been every other week for your podcast, and you’ve sometimes the meeting it and sometimes not. Okay, so every week is not realistic. What are we going to do? We’re going to take that back to once a month, but I tend to say, okay, lay out your plan, what you think is realistic, and then cut it in half. And that’s always every time I run content. Batchi live, that’s where I get these like shot faces, like, oh, my gosh, what do I get cut in half, you can always add bonus content in, you can always increase once you’re in a rhythm. But it’s so much better to put out less content on a consistent basis than to aim for more content and end up inconsistent because people are going to stop paying attention if they don’t feel like they can trust you.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Okay, that is such gold. Another reason why I love that is I am constantly telling people like we underestimate how long everything takes, right? Like we’re like, oh, I can bring out a whole month’s worth of posts and a couple of hours. And I’m like, No, you can sit, you know, or we think just writing a really solid blog post, we’ll take you know, one morning and I’m like, Well, you know, it, everything takes longer. And whether it’s because we’re not in a rhythm, or we’re not doing it in that in a batch schedule. And that’s a whole other conversation. But things take longer. And we totally underestimate how long it takes us to do things well,

well, and we what we we think is like, oh, in the best, most ideal scenario, it’s going to take this time, but you don’t account for the fact that you didn’t sleep well last night, or that you ran out of coffee, and you didn’t have your typical cup this morning, or that your kids are home sick from school, right? There’s so many factors that go into play, when you sit down to do any given task. Your pet is driving you crazy, wants attention, you know, like you never know what’s going to be happening. And so to say, Oh, I’m going to be able to knock out this in this many hours. It’s always better to underestimate than it is to overestimate.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, yeah. I love that. So if I’m going to start, like if I’m gonna commit to consistency and my marketing, okay, and you’ve already said like, make your dream schedule and then cut it in half. So then what like, what am I starting with? What does that look like? Like? How am I creating that rhythm where I can actually be consistent? Yeah, I

always recommend to set aside a dedicated amount of time ahead of time. So again, for some, it’s a week, some it’s a couple days, whatever it looks like but set aside a rhythm where the third week of every month is going to be a week, where you’re working, working strictly on marketing. Maybe the first weekend of a month, is where you’re gonna be working on your marketing, but set that aside and then mark it off on your calendar for the entire year. Protect that time, because what ends up happening is over and over again with my students. Oh, I set up my batch weeks, but then I scheduled a dentist appointment that morning, or I had a meeting that I needed to really attend and I ended up doing a bunch of meetings that day and then I just didn’t have time for batching protect that time and make it a priority. Eat, so that you have the time to sit down and focus and knock some work out without having to go, Okay, well, I’ve got an hour before this thing and 30 minutes here and this little bit of time here, stop trying to squeeze it in and make it a priority because your business needs marketing, it just, it’s got to be a priority in some level. And it doesn’t mean you need to spend all your time marketing, but you need to do some marketing,

Sabrina Gebhardt
I’d love to protecting the time because I mean, we will protect our schedule when it comes to client meetings or working with other people. But when it comes to just when we’re working with ourselves, quote, unquote, you know, when we’re the ones that have to sit down and do it, we don’t protect that time. And it’s really kind of sad, because just like you said, like our business needs some sort of marketing, okay, whether you’re going to be on social media or an email list or blogging for SEO, like you have to do something, you have to do something for people to find you. And when we are not committing to doing that consistently and allowing us to have that time to do it. It’s like we’re not giving our business our best, right? Like we’re not putting we’re not going all in we’re just kind of like, oh, nobody’s finding me. I’m not getting leads. I’m not getting the kind of leads I want. I’m not getting well, what have you been doing lately? You know, the

number one complaint people have is I’m not getting leads, and I’m not seeing sales. Okay. Well, when was the last time you showed up in your content, and talked about that service? Right. It was last time you showed up on Instagram stories and told people about your course if you’re not talking about it, they don’t know about it.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Today’s episode is brought to you by route to rise a four month mastermind and retreat for female photographers. That is where personal development meets business growth. During the four month experience, students have weekly calls focusing on a variety of topics that both better their lives and their businesses. Think topics like goals, boundaries, money, and marketing, and many, many others. The program also includes incredible guest teachers, a private Facebook community and weekly Voxer hours, where you get individualized guidance and mentoring from me on topics that matter to you and your business. One of the best parts of the experience is definitely the three day in person retreat. Consider this the most fun girls weekend ever. We eat well do yoga, photograph three sessions, work through portfolio reviews, take headshots and build deep friendships, I can tell you that the women who have gone through this program have had some absolutely incredible transformations reached massive goals and changed the trajectory of their businesses. If you want to get on the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens again soon, you can head over to the link in the show notes and get on that list. And now back to the episode.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Okay, so most students straight listeners know at this point that I love to really get to the why behind the thing we’re talking about. That’s just, that’s what this that’s what this podcast is all about the why like, I like to get to the underlying issue, because I think a lot of it is the same doesn’t matter if we’re talking about pricing, or marketing or impostor syndrome, or whatever it is fill in the blank. A lot of the struggles, there are internal struggles that we have, right? The thing about it is with entrepreneurs like we are our business. And so if we’re having mindset struggles or battles with things, right, it carries over, it carries over from personal to business. So why do you think creative entrepreneurs struggle so dang much with consistency?

I think there are three main reasons one is the overwhelm and just the mental aspect of, well, I haven’t set aside the time to prioritize this, and it’s on my to do list, but you look at your to do list and you go gosh, there’s so much to do marketing. That means I gotta figure out what I’m gonna say where I’m gonna say it, I got to actually say, and I gotta let you know, there’s so many tasks that go into posting my stories today. That’s not a simple task until we overwhelm ourselves by not protecting that time and being intentional with our marketing. I think another thing is that imposter syndrome of Oh, who am I to talk about this thing, even if we’re doing the thing with our clients, like our clients are happy, they love what we’re doing, we still feel why no one wants to hear from me. So we’ve got that impostor syndrome. And then I think the third thing that can hold a lot of us back is that we feel bored with talking about the same thing over and over and over again.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, that’s huge. And it’s, it’s something that like, I know, you teach your students and I teach my students but yet I still struggle with and I’m sure you still struggle with to like you’re aware of it, but it’s still a problem. We do. We feel like we’re talking about the same dang thing all the time to all the places and there is that level of boredom. So I love the overwhelm the imposter syndrome and the boredom. Do you have any tips for combating any of those things when it comes to pushing through and marketing your business anyways?

Well, we’ve talked a lot about combating the overwhelm, like, you know, set aside that time be intentional with it, right. As far as impostor syndrome, I wish I had other than just do it, right. That’s just one of those things where you just you show up even when you don’t want to. And that’s not the same show up all the time. But even when you’re like, why would they listen to me, you show up, you do it anyways, writing a book, if you want to learn about impostor syndrome. I, it’s rough. And so I don’t have any answers for that one. It just, it is a thing that we all struggle with. And you’re not alone. But boredom. I actually recorded a podcast episode about this today. The biggest and easiest thing you can do is to really pay attention to messaging, when you sit down to prepare to plan your content. So before you even decide what you’re talking about, and when you’re talking about it, and what your strategy is for the next month of content. Ask yourself one, what’s happening in my niche right now? What is happening that’s affecting my people that I could talk about? So for example, let’s say it’s November, and you know, okay, well in November, if I, if I’m business to business, I know that I, all of my audience members are in full on Sprint right now, all of us in the business space. November is a sprint. So based on whatever I talk about, how can I mix that idea of this is going to be a sprint month where everyone’s really busy? How do I make that into my messaging this month? If you are a family photographer, maybe you are in November, you probably have already done Christmas minis. But let’s pretend you haven’t. Maybe that’s you know, like, Oh, Christmas minis are coming up November, people are gonna really want to make sure that they’re thinking ahead for Christmas cards. That’s gonna you’re gonna mix in your messaging based on what’s happening during whatever month it is. And then there’s so many other ways you can take that too. If it’s like, you know, AI chat, GBT. That’s all a big thing right now, right? For those of us that are copywriters, and content creators, there’s the whole Oh, they’re gonna take your job. That’s a whole conversation that’s happening in my niche right now that I can take and mix into my messaging of how do we use this to keep it simple in our marketing, right. So pay attention to what’s happening in your niche. And in the world around us, that’s a great way to mix some new fresh ideas into a consistent message that you’re already talking about. And then the other thing to pay attention to is pop culture. So what’s happening in pop culture right now that you can just slip in as a reference not to change your messaging, but just to reference so recently, the Prince Harry book, that has been a big thing that’s been all over everyone’s feet? How can you make a reference to something being the spare, or I don’t know, you know, just a little, little sentence inside your content and copy to make it feel fresh and new, even though it’s the same thing. You’ve always said, you’ve just got a new reference in it.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, I love that. And number one, like we’re all creatives. So this should be like a fun twist on how can I talk about this in a new way. But also, even if even if you do have those super loyal listeners and followers that do hear you talking about it over and over again, the new reference the new twist the new way, you word, it could hit them in a way that it’s never hit them before. And maybe all of a sudden, they’re like, oh, my gosh, I do want to work with her. Oh, my gosh, I want that experience, right. Like if it can lands differently to I love that. Well, you

think about, we go back and we re watch TV shows and we re watch movies, and those don’t change. They don’t get any new updates. And yet we still go. I’ve never noticed that. Yeah, totally. Just imagine a different example, or a different reference and what that can do for someone who’s listening or watching.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Yeah, that’s such a great point. I mean, that happens every single time you rewatch a movie or you read a book again, right? Anytime you’re revisiting the same thing, you pick up on different stuff. So that’s so smart. I love it. So if anybody is listening right now, and they are just struggling because of all the things and the overwhelm, and the to do list and the running the business and wearing all the hats, right? What is something they can take away today this week to start to implement consistency in their marketing without making the overwhelm worse,

mark the calendar, I want everyone if you don’t already set aside time for your marketing, go to your calendar and for the rest of the year, set aside a little bit of time each month that is strictly for marketing and put washi tape over it, put a sticky note whatever so that you can’t add new things to the calendar for those days. So that is strictly for your marketing. If you do nothing else after this interview,

Sabrina Gebhardt
go to that girl saying that is like my face. Favorite, that is my favorite thing. Whether it’s marketing or goals or whitespace or anything I’m like if you don’t put that stuff on your calendar, you it’s a daydream. It is a daydream that is never going to come to fruition, you know. So that is such a great tip is such a great tip. Okay, I’ve got four kind of rapid fire questions that I love to end with. So what is your current favorite coffee shop order?

I am so basic cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks every time.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Okay, love it. Basic is good. You know what you want? It’s available all the time. Love it. Okay, dream vacation. You cannot say Disney. You cannot say anything Disney related.

Okay, well, no Disney

Sabrina Gebhardt
Paris or Disney Hong Kong. Okay, because I know that’s where you’re going.

was going? Um, oh, that makes it so hard. Honestly, probably the beach.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Again. I’m just any great beach. Yeah. There’s nothing wrong with a great beach ocean in my

ear. Not I don’t want to get in the ocean. But like, I want to sit there with the book and the sun and be a lizard. And yeah,

Sabrina Gebhardt
yeah. Well, and it like literally forces you to relax because there’s like only so much to see and do which is really great. Which is really great. Okay, have you been to Disneyland Paris before?

No, I haven’t done any of the International Oh

Sabrina Gebhardt
my god. It’s so cute. Like, literally when you go on. It’s a small world. And it’s in French, you’re like, This is the most charming thing I’ve ever been on. It’s so cute. It’s so cute. We went there. When I was pregnant with my first we went on our babymoon to Paris. And we had originally so it wasn’t supposed to be a baby than it was supposed to just be a vacation. And it was supposed to be 10 days to Paris, and then a couple places in Italy. And we were gonna bounce around. And then I got pregnant and I was in it was the tail end of my first trimester or the very beginning of the second trimester. And I was still like, felt just gross and sick and did not feel good. And so I we were like, Okay, we’re still going because we’ve like set aside time for this amazing vacation. But let’s just cut all of Italy out. And we’re going to do 10 days just in Paris. We’re not gonna go anywhere. Highly recommend because if you’re the kind of person likes to like see all the historic sites and like why wouldn’t you? We did one site a day. We took an afternoon nap every day. And then we like wandered around like a local. And so it was like the slowest, most magical vacation. Anyway, the last day we were like we’ve seen everything. Let’s go to Paris Disney. So we hopped on the train and did it just on a whim and it was so fun. See, we’re planning a trip to Japan right now. Amazing.

I of course was like, well, we’re going to Tokyo, Disney and my husband and I, you know, I had to argue for two days because there’s two parks I have to go to but when are we going back to

Sabrina Gebhardt
Japan? Right? Right. So we totally should. Oh, I bet Tokyo Disney is so cute with all the anime stuff. So what yeah, I’m, oh my gosh, I bet it’s awesome. Okay. Okay. When you think back over the course of your business, what was the decision or the investment that was the biggest game changer for you?

The first group coaching program I invested in and not because the program itself was. I mean, it was incredible, but not because of that. But because it was the one the first time that I had ever, like, invested in myself and to it’s when I really started to create friendships within this online business space. And that, for me was something that I was missing for a good two and a half years of being a business owner was I was doing it all in a bubble. Yeah, that does nothing for me mentally for the business like right starting to figure out oh, like, it’s really cool to have people in my corner. So that I think that for me was the biggest game changer was just realizing like how important relationships were

Sabrina Gebhardt
totally. And that’s such a good point. I mean, I will always say that, like, the big education investment is always the game changer, in my opinion. But when you look at it from the side of like community and friendship, I think so many new entrepreneurs are in that space of loneliness, even if they wouldn’t say they were right. Like, I don’t think they may. I don’t think they necessarily identify that like, Oh, I’m all by myself, and I’m sad until they’re on the other side. And they’re like, oh my gosh, what was I missing? Right? Yeah, you’re totally not

having people that get what you do. And you don’t have to explain. I don’t know if you listen to Haylee Gaffin, Embry pears new podcast. They’re the episode this week, sharing about how their husbands just like don’t even tell people what they do because no one would get it. Right. This is why 100% friends in the business space is so important because my people asked my husband what I do and he’s like, I don’t know.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Totally, totally, totally. I get it so much. Okay, if you were not in content, marketing and coaching and now an author, what do you think you’d be doing?

I really still be teaching I mean, that’s what I was doing before. I very much am passionate about education. And so I in some capacity, I’d be teaching. I don’t know if I’d still be in a classroom. But maybe teaching somehow within my church or something, I don’t know. But something education, which I know is you were like, outside of education.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Oh, that’s okay. That’s okay. You know what I meant outside of like business education. So yeah, no, I love that. I love it. So why don’t you go ahead and share how everybody can connect with you in the future and reach out to you?

Yeah, probably the best place is Instagram. I’m pretty consistently showing up in stories there. And you’ll see lots of cute cat stuff. So that’s always good. But I’m at Mrs. Amanda Warfield.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Love it and we’re gonna have all the links and everything in the show notes. So thank you so much for being here today. It was so fun chatting, I love all of our little tangents we went off on I knew we would, I knew it was going to be a great conversation. So thank you for being here. And we’ll see you next time. Okay,

thank you for having me so much.

Sabrina Gebhardt
Thanks so much for listening to the shoot it straight podcast. You can find all the full show notes and details from today’s episode at Sabrina gebhardt.com backslash podcast. Come find me and connect over on the gram at Sabrina Gebhart photography. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be honored if you hit that subscribe button and leave me a review. Until next time, my friends shoot it straight.


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