103: Q3 Business Besties Chat with Colie James


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103: Q3 Business Besties Chat with Colie James 3

Are you ready for Q3? In today’s episode, guest Colie James and I are getting together for our third quarter business besties chat. We’re touching base on our goals from the first two calls and sharing what’s next for both of our businesses in the upcoming quarter.

The Shoot It Straight Podcast is brought to you by Sabrina Gebhardt, photographer and educator. Join us each week as we discuss what it’s like to be a female creative entrepreneur while balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood. If you’re trying to find balance in this exciting place you’re in, yet willing to talk about the hard stuff too, Shoot It Straight Podcast is here to share practical and tangible takeaways to help you shoot it straight

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 This episode is brought to you by Marketing That Attracts, my new course that will give you clarity on your marketing strategy and attract your ideal clients. In this course, you will learn five organic marketing strategies for photographers and advice for how to implement them into your business. Join today and get access to even more additional resources like templates, trainings, and organizational tools. 

Review the Show Notes:

Summer hours and childcare (3:31)

Saying “no” more (7:31)

Taking opportunities for visibility (8:58)

Modifying systems to work for this season (11:56)

Starting a new mastermind and retreat (16:04)

Focusing on profit margins (18:07)

Gaining clarity in June (23:54)

Marketing through freebies (28:53)

Opportunities for passive income (32:01)

Our plans for Q3 (43:02)

An Airtable challenge? (54:51)

Done-for-you services (58:58)

Mentioned in this Episode:

Episode 75: Quarterly Business Chat with Colie James: sabrinagebhardt.com/75-quarterly-business-chat-with-colie-james

Episode 88: Q2 Business Besties Chat with Colie James: sabrinagebhardt.com/88-q2-business-besties-chat-with-colie-james

Connect with Colie:

Website: coliejames.com

Instagram: instagram.com/coliejames

Connect with Sabrina:

Marketing That Attracts


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103: Q3 Business Besties Chat with Colie James 4

Review the Transcript:

Sabrina: On today’s episode of the shoot it straight podcast, we have the third edition of the quarterly business bestie chat with my friend, Nicole James. We have done this each quarter this year, and this is the third one. And I’m telling you, they get better every single time. These are fly on the wall type conversations, really off the cuff.

You get to peek behind the scenes at what Coley and I talk about when we’re sharing updates about our business. You’ll see us come up with ideas on the fly. We make suggestions and we share the real stuff that’s going on inside of our business. Good and bad. I know you’re going to love this episode. So let’s dive in.

Welcome to the shoot it straight podcast. I’m your host, Sabrina Gephardt. Here, I will share an honest take on what it’s like to be a female creative entrepreneur while balancing business, motherhood, and life. Myself, along with my guests, will get vulnerable through honest conversations and relatable stories because we’re willing to go there.

If you’re trying to find balance in this exciting place you’re in, yet willing to talk about the hard stuff too, The shoot it straight podcast is here to share practical and tangible takeaways to help you shoot it straight.

Welcome back to the shoot it straight podcast. My friends today is, this is probably my new favorite thing that we do this recurring little chat that we have today. I have my business bestie, Coley James back and we are doing our third quarterly business bestie chat where we have a fully off the cuff conversation.

literally that we would have on Voxer that we would have in person over a working weekend. We’re talking about what’s going on in our businesses and just kind of touching base. It’s a little bit of holding each other accountable and you’re getting to listen in and also getting a peek behind what’s coming.

But the fun thing about these conversations is where they go. And The reason we started this was we have a lot of the same students and people in our worlds, right? Like we, we orbit each other and a lot of people in my programs know you and love you because I force you to participate in those programs.

And they always would say things like, I bet the stuff you guys talk about is so amazing. I would love to be a fly on the wall. And then last. you were at one of my retreats and my mastermind. And so those women got to see a little bit of what it’s like to have both of us talking at the same time. And that’s kind of where this idea came from to take our personal conversations that we like have on Voxer anyways, and just bring them onto the podcast.

So people can hear the stuff that goes on, uh, the business things we talk about. Cause every time we talk Coley, like we get ideas, we have, I mean, it’s just. We’re good together. We’re good together. So this is the third one of these chats. I will link the Q one and the Q two chat in the show notes, because even though those dates have passed, there’s stuff there for you, there’s stuff there that you want to go back and listen to, but the way these work is we’re just going to kind of.

Touch base a little bit on some of the things we mentioned, um, on the last call for the listening audience that like is waiting for updates. And then we’re going to talk about what we’re working on and what’s coming in Q3 and both of our businesses. And we’re going to see where this goes today. So Koli, are you ready?

I am. Okay. I’m excited. So first of all, it is July. And that means you are finally in summer mode and you finally have childcare for the first time all year consistently. You have hours that you can finally give to your business. This has been a big thing that Coley has been overcoming in the last, for the last little bit.

And so the last two calls we had, it was like, well, when summer hits and Chloe’s in camp, I’ll have time to do all these things. You’re there. You’re finally there. So how does it feel? How’s it going? Tell me about that.

Colie: It’s amazing. Like I get up every morning and I’m rushing her out of the house so that I can like drop her off and be like, bye.

And then I come home and I will say it was quite, I don’t want to say a mountain to climb. Cause that sounds really cliche. And I happen to live in Colorado, but I don’t climb mountains, but. I drop her off and I come home and now I just have all of this time. And even though I am trying very hard to not overschedule myself, I, we’ve talked about this on the two previous calls, I think I’m still doing a good job of that.

But some days are just still really packed in. Like before we hit record, you and I talked about the fact that I had four calls yesterday. I don’t think I’ve had four calls in one day in like a year. Like it’s been a very long time since I talked to that many people in a single day, but it was great. I got some good podcasts.

I had a marketing research call with someone new. I mean, it was amazing to just sit down and be able to work and not constantly have to watch the clock to figure out when it’s time to go pick Chloe up and take her to her next school or her next activity or whatever that is. So Sabrina, long story short, it has been great.

I am so excited. So much freer to do things in my business and even like just take time for me than I have been in more than a year.

Sabrina: Yeah. I’m so excited for you. I, it really does make me so happy that you finally have that. Um, I thrive with that. This is why if you’ve been a listener for the podcast for a while, you’ve probably heard me say this.

My favorite day of the year is the first day of school. And I say that I love my children, but I say that unapologetically. It has always been the first day of school because it’s like this breath of fresh air, you know, it’s like, Oh my gosh, my house is quiet. My kids are taken care of. I get some time for me to do things I need and I want, and I’m excited to do.

I’m really

Colie: happy for you. I mean, the weird thing this year, Sabrina, is for the first time ever, I will not be here on Chloe’s first day of school. I mean, my husband was like, are you serious? And I was like, yeah. So pick time hit me up about a month ago, I think it was. And they were like, we would like for you to go and run the booth at this conference.

And when they gave me the dates, I was like, oh no, I would never, that’s the first week of school. And then I thought about it. And I was like, you know what? Yes. I will buy my plane ticket. I will be there. So I am legitimately missing my child’s first day of school for the first time in her entire school career.

And I might be a little weepy when I’m in Atlanta. I am going to admit, but like, this is the new me. This is the, my child is 13 years old and I can see the school. from, like, the street, from the sidewalk, so she can walk herself to school. She can come home from school late, and I don’t have to take her anywhere in the middle of the day this year, so I just, I feel like it’s a new adventure for both of us, and so I was like, sure.

I will come and do this. I mean, I will be here on the second day, but not the first day.

Sabrina: Yeah. And that’s one of those things that obviously I feel like it’s totally fine. Like I don’t think she’s going to even really care. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that’s the thing. She’s getting older. Um, this is part of growing up, right?

She’s had you for all of the first days of school. I think it’s going to be just fine. You probably will be carrying that energy of like, I hope it’s going well. I want to hear from her. I can’t wait to talk after school, but like, it’s going to be fine. It’s totally going to be fine. That’s so exciting. So, uh, one of the things that I talked about on the last call is saying no more.

And I said it from the beginning of the year. And then the last, the Q2 update was that I wasn’t doing so well. I’m doing a lot better with that. I’m doing a lot better with that. I’m really proud of myself. Um, I’ve continued to say no to photography clients that are not a good fit. Um, I have said no to some educational opportunities, like, Speaking in other things and participating in a couple of summits, uh, some podcasts and reviews that on paper were great.

And in theory I wanted to do, but the timing of things didn’t work out with what I had. And so I had to say no and it was hard for me, but it felt so good after saying no. And then the biggest thing, uh, that I’m sure we’ll talk about more as we get into this episode about Q3, but the biggest thing is I am, um, I’ve made a pretty big decision of what, about what my fall is going to look like as a photographer.

And it’s going to be very different than it’s been in the past 13 years. And so that feels like a really big version of me saying no. And I was really scared about it. Now I’m not so scared. I’m maybe more in the like, kind of nervous, but I’m leaning now. Like the, the more I get into the planning and the thinking about it, I’m more confident that this is absolutely the right thing to do.

Yeah. And I have a story that I’ll share later that feels like the universe is telling me like, like I’m getting rewarded for the decision I’ve made. So, so that’s the update on that. You had talked about more visibility stuff, collaborations, a potential challenge, and an online summit. What’s the update there?

Colie: So, um, technically by the time this airs, uh, the challenge should have already taken place. I did in fact put it in the footer of my emails. But because of just life and things that happened, I never actually wrote. The specific emails to launch it, I never created the assets to put it on Instagram, but it’s okay, I’m going to take it as an opportunity to pivot because I decided what better thing to do for a challenge about writing better emails than to make it an email challenge.

So by the time this episode airs, it should be available on my website. And so we will talk about that at the end, like where you can get the link and where you can sign up, but I’m basically taking what I would have done as a three day live challenge inside, you know, a Facebook group. When, but I don’t think that the help.

Is as needed as when I was doing something like workflows and systems. So I’m going to make it an email challenge. And by the time this airs, I will have already done it for the people who happen to click that link off of my existing email people. And so they’re going to get the live version. And then if you are interested now, you can get the three day challenge inside of your email.

You know, when this air, so I didn’t do the challenge live, but I did create a challenge that I think helps me go in the direction that I’m going in terms of visibility. I have said yes to a lot more podcast guest opportunities. I shrugged off as many of, you know, for like the first two quarters, because I wasn’t doing anything.

I wasn’t like getting on camera. So I have done way more of those recently than I have all year long. And then at the time of this recording, literally this week, I just did a new webinar for Debsado about how to sell out or book out your mini sessions for photographers. And so that was a nice visibility.

I mean, it puts me on a platform where I have offers such as the course and the templates and strategy calls around it. So that was my big push for like visibility. By the time this airs, it will have been my birthday. And I did do a sale, or at least I will by the time this airs. So, I mean, those were like my big marketing visibility things that I had planned for July and all of them should have happened by the time you’re listening to this episode.


Sabrina: That’s awesome. I love it. And this is what happens when Coley has childcare. This is what happens. I mentioned on the last episode that, uh, you know, you have been in a little bit of almost like a hibernation, right? Because like a forced hibernation we’ll say, but that you were going to be coming back and Coley with time on her hands and the, the capacity to do things was really exciting.

And that by the time we got to this Q3 chat, you should be there and man, you are so I love it.

Colie: The other thing that I have been doing for myself that I talked about on the last call is I have been neglecting my systems and not in a way where, you know, you never do the things that people pay you to do.

It really wasn’t that it’s about the place that I’m in in business right now and kind of modifying my systems in order to account for it. So like, for example, if you, heaven forbid, anybody listening to this episode are one of these people, I apologize profusely again. If we have a call. Before, let’s say in 2023 and earlier, if I told you that I was going to do something for you, I didn’t need notes.

The next day, I would wake up bushy tailed and bright eyed and without having you on a list, I would immediately do whatever it was that I said I was going to do. One of the things that’s come out of like this whole year is that, I cannot keep information in my brain anymore. I don’t know if it’s the medication that I’m on.

I don’t know if it’s just the season in life, but I can’t remember things. So I have been making a concerted effort to change my system so that the moment that I get off a call with someone, I am writing down what I think were the most important things on that call. I am also taking the video. And the transcript and feeding it into an AI tool of some kind so that it can give me a summary so that if again, I can’t remember what I told you, I can just go read it.

I mean, it’s really bad though when someone reminds me of something that I said, and I’m like, That’s not jarring anything for me. Like, I don’t remember that at all. And then I look at the transcript and I’m like, Oh, there brightest day. It’s, I actually said that those were words out of my mouth. So the fact that I’m not like remembering it when I’m getting, you know, prompted just has pushed me to change my systems in order to account for like this new season of Coley and how her brain works.

Sabrina: I think that’s so important on multiple fronts. So. The one I really want to focus on though, is the season that you’re in, uh, and, and knowing what you need and what you’re capable of. Uh, I think I’ve actually had this conversation several times in the last few days alone, and that is, I think it’s not talked about enough.

And I think it’s a disservice to business owners everywhere, especially the female creative entrepreneurs. Uh, I think we’re the ones that kind of struggle with this, but like your season of life matters. And what your capacity is and the time that you have and your physical and mental health and how many irons you have in different fires and various things, there are times when you can run full steam ahead and, you know, do all the things and there’s times that you have to pull back and then there’s times where you can maybe hit a minute in the middle, but you need to have some more support in place.

And I love that. I’ve gotten to watch you kind of transition. Through a whole bunch of seasons over the last year. And you’ve been so good about recognizing where you’re at and what your needs are and putting things in place to support you. And I think that’s such, it’s a really good thing to model to other women, because I think people just try and power through and assume that it should be the same all the time.

And it’s not,

Colie: well, and I mean, I still feel I’m, I still feel like I’m guilty of that because I just. I had no idea how much my brain has changed, like until I was like, I don’t remember that at all. And then I was like, okay, if I’m going to be successful, if I’m going to pick my business back up and run with it, I cannot act like now that I have time that that was all that I needed, because definitely in my life this year, more has changed than time.

So making sure that I am practicing what I preach in terms of making systems that work for you and the way that you need your business to run is something that I am really trying hard to model more for the remainder of 2024 for sure.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, for me, Being the outside looking in, I feel like you’re doing a really good job.

Even if you feel like I’m, well, but I mean, cause you’ve told me about the shifts and things that are changing as you go. And maybe to you internally, cause you’re in it. It doesn’t feel like you’re doing very well, but I think that you are, you know, so you’re doing a good job. Okay. So I’m going to update something I mentioned on the last call was the start of my new education mastermind and the 2025 alumni retreat that I was planning.

So the education mastermind has officially started. We’ve had a couple of calls, we’ve had Voxer hours, and at the time of this recording, our, our retreat is next week. And so I can say that. So far, it’s going great. I’m loving it so much. This group of women is absolutely incredible working through what their offers are going to be and getting them set up as an authority and doing all of these things.

I just am so excited for them right now. I will say they’re all a little deer in the headlights because it’s a lot when you’re first stepping into becoming an educator, it’s. It’s a pivot from what you’re used to. And, you know, so, but we’re working through it. I’m really excited about the retreat next week.

So that’s going really well. On the last call, we talked about the alumni retreat. I’ve picked a location, booked a place and sold the seats. So check that box. That project is done. We’ll be in Palm Springs in January, um, which is very exciting.

Colie: I wish that people could see my face. Because I, I did not get an invite.

So I’m thinking that you forgot to add my email that I can crush. Okay. I just wanted to make sure because you know, I’m all about Palm Springs anytime. I know you are just in case the women that are in your education. Let’s, let’s be honest. We know that they’re listening. Ladies. I have been so impressed by the, all of you because I know who you are.

And I’m following, I think, every single one of you on Instagram. And I have been noticing your educational content. Like, I saw someone posted something a few days ago, and I saw it, and I was like, oh yeah, she’s doing the education right now. So, I mean, it was a little jarring for me to see it, but then I was like, oh my god, they’re actually putting into practice what she’s teaching them.

So, ladies, good job.

Sabrina: They’re doing a really good job and it’s been so fun for me to see them transition in that way. I’m just, I’m really loving it. So, uh, it’s going really well. Okay. Uh, another thing we talked about is how we both want to focus more on profit margins this year. Have you had any progress there?

Colie: I have. So I think what I specifically talked about with you was going through all of my subscriptions and making sure that I was actually only paying for the things that I needed to. One of the big things that I did because I wasn’t quite ready to make decisions on some of the key pieces of software that I think that I will eventually dump before we get to a Q4 call.

But I went into every single one of them and changed them to monthly subscriptions, which I would encourage everyone if you’re not sure. About a piece of software, but you’re not ready to give it up. Don’t pay them for another year because you don’t get a refund. So I changed almost everything in my business that is like up in the air to a monthly subscription.

And by doing that, I mean, I literally saved myself probably 3, 500 in charges in a single month because almost all of my subscriptions come up at the same time. So that was the first thing that I did. I am actually going to have an entire email series on this right after this airs, it’s going to be in August.

I am taking the month of August to kind of retool my business. And I am going to be a legitimate solopreneur for the month. So one way that you can save revenue is by not using your contractors. Now I haven’t fired them all. I mean, that’s, that’s not the purpose of it. I did put a pause or a hiatus on.

Everyone for August and a few additional ones for September. So that was another way of me kind of being able to sit with how much money I’m currently making versus how much money I made in 2023 and kind of making some key financial decisions going forward. I am also. Taking another look at what my profit margin is on my services versus my profit margin on like all of the digital goods that I sell, like the course and the templates.

And so I haven’t quite got that hammered out yet, but it’s on my to do list. I have already started strategizing how I’m going to make changes for the remainder of Q3 and then going into Q4. Even thinking about when I will legitimately launch things, because we all know I’m not a launcher, but these are the things that I have been working on in order to pay more attention to my profit margin as I go forward.

Sabrina: Yeah, I love those updates. I love that. And that’s such a great suggestion about moving to monthly payments. I think everybody hears. You know, do the annual subscriptions because they’re cheaper and that’s absolutely true when it’s something, you know, as a ride or die and it’s not going to go anywhere.

But if it’s the things that you’re not sure about, or if it’s something that you can pause from time to time, there’s nothing wrong with paying a little tiny bit more, but having the ability to actually have entire months where you’re not paying for it at all. Yeah. Let’s see for me for profit margin. Uh, I’m doing better than I was Doing better than I was for a few reasons.

I just made the final payment on my coach for this year So now I have the rest of the year where I will not have that income coming out. So it’s not For the annual number it’s not going to be any different but for the next few months I’m going to have a lot more pocket change in my business account, which is going to be nice I haven’t hired anybody new.

That’s a big one. That’s a big one from the last call. I had hired all these people. I have not hired anyone in new, so that’s good.

Colie: I’m legitimately trying to sit here and think, did I hire my new blog writer before our previous call? I don’t think so. So I hired a blog writer and she is fantastic, but so yes, I did do one hire.

I hired a blog writer and I’m, you know, it’s kind of like where I’m focusing for Q3 and Q4 to do more of the low lift marketing. And part of that for me was. Was investing time and technically money into writing more blog posts for SEO because I wasn’t doing anything particularly for like the digital side, the digital product side of my business.

Girl, do you know that my shop pages were not even indexed? I recently noticed this. I know, I know. So I’ve, I’ve fixed all that in June. That was my project for June. Hearing that kind of stuff,

Sabrina: when Coley makes a mistake like that, I’m like, Oh my God, I need to go check everything. Cause if she made that mistake, I am definitely capable of making that mistake.

Colie: The main pages were indexed. And of course, like the shop all page was indexed and The shop all page has links to all of the other ones, but somehow for like some of the newer products. I had a page that I had told Google not to index. Maybe it was because it started off as like a Black Friday thing. I’m honestly not sure why those pages were marked in that way.

But then if I use that page. To duplicate it as a template to make something else that, of course, wasn’t indexed. So yes, guys, please take it from Coley. If you are doing anything amazing in your business, you need to be looking at your website analytics. And if you aren’t getting the hits that you think you should get, please go check console Google console to make sure that these pages are indexed.

And if they’re not, very much. It is not complicated. You just copy and paste a link and then Google will index it within. I mean, for me, it’s been really fast. Some of them, I added the Lincoln within five hours. It was indexed. Yeah, it can be really quick guys.

Sabrina: Yeah. I can totally see how that mistake is easy to make with the copy page and all of that, because that’s what we do.

You take a page that’s already built and you copy it and you redo it. So, okay. So. Sabrina, mental note, go check the index pages on some things. Um, okay. And then part of profit margin is for me really has been really wanting to focus this year on passive income. And I have some really exciting updates on that.

That I’ll get to in just a second. Another thing we talked about on the last call was how June was going to be a really great month for me to kind of get a new place, right? I was going to be finished with the spring run of Root to Rise. So I’d have a lot off my plate and I was going to be finished with a live launch of my course, The Aligned Photographer.

And at that point I was going to be able to kind of re evaluate where am I, what needs to happen, ideas, and all of that. And so We made some really big decisions in June. We made some really big decisions in June. The live launch of the Align Photographer was terrible.

Colie: So it, it has not improved. So what’s the decision that we’ve made, Sabrina?

Because I know what it needs to be, but what was it?

Sabrina: I will tell you the launch was not terrible. I did. I ended up doing so on the, on the last call. I, at that point, I hadn’t made the decision yet of what the live launch portion of selling the course was going to be, and it ended up being a three day live training on pricing.

And that went fantastic. I had a ton of registrants. I grew my email list. It was great participation. People, I got such good feedback. I really enjoyed the live launch portion of that like I hadn’t done it in a couple of years and and I love teaching. I love getting in front of people. So it was fun. It was fun to do something new and exciting in a new way.

And I loved that the sales were terrible. The sales were absolutely terrible. And so the Alliance photographer and I have officially broken up. Officially broken up. And if, if any of my students are listening, you will still have access. It’s not going anywhere. I’m just not selling it anymore. And that has felt so good to make that decision.

When I made that decision with my business coach, it was like an immediate weight was lifted off my shoulders because I’ve been dragging this for a couple of years. And at the end of the day, it is a great course and the content there is fantastic and it is valuable, but I’m done dragging it and we’re moving on.

So that felt really, really, really good after that decision was made. I took a couple of weeks off to just kind of like reset and see what I wanted to do and all the things. And in that time I had some really divinely inspired ideas that I dove straight into because I felt like this is the thing. This is the thing.

And uh, so far it’s going super duper well. So, The first thing it started with was actually my content strategist and I had a discussion about setting up instead of a traditional freebie, you know, where you’re getting somebody’s email to set up an Instagram challenge that is hosted fully within Instagram.

It felt a little exciting and easy because we’re on the app anyways, and that’s super duper fun and easy. And there’s not a Facebook group and all of this, but it felt a little scary because I’m not getting anybody’s emails. And so it’s like, I’m going to put in all this work and effort into this challenge group.

And then maybe I don’t ever hear from anyone again. Right. But I’m always saying here on the podcast and when I’m coaching women that look at your business like a game and stop taking it so seriously. And I’m like, we’re going to look at this like a game. We’re going to see it’s 30 days. Maybe it’ll work.

Maybe it won’t. Okay. Let’s try it. And so I did a 30 day Instagram group and people could join. And I shared the, I talked about it and I shared the link on Instagram and literally all they did was click the link and they got added to the group. So easy and 75 people joined, and honestly, the vast majority of the people were new to me, so I Oh, nice.

I totally had a lot of my repeat people, but most of the group was people that I did not know, which was really exciting. And the premise behind this challenge was marketing and, uh, just support marketing your business for a month. And it basically was just a, it wasn’t even a checklist. It was literally like Monday of this week, do these things.

Tuesday of this week, do these things. Wednesday of this week, create this reel. And here’s the prompt. It was very specific tasks that they could check off. And it touched on a lot of different pieces of marketing. And It was so fun. It was so fun. The Instagram group was so engaged and they loved popping in and saying I did this and or I have this question and it was such a low lift for me to like pop in and answer things.

They supported each other. It was so fun. I really, really loved it and was definitely a success. And then I’ll tell you what I did with that afterwards when we get to the next section, but that was in June for me. And so the whole month of June was really gaining a little bit of clarity, releasing something that I needed to release.

Feeling so confident about moving on and it created space for me to come up with this new exciting idea that went really well. So,

Colie: I totally forgot in my visibility. I also did, it hasn’t happened yet, which is why it wasn’t on my brain. Ellen Yin of Cubicle2CEO, which we both know, she hosts a freebie kind of fest.

And it’s pay to play, so I did pay to add my freebie, but I just looked at it as a game. Like you said, I’m like, well, we’ll see if I get any interesting leads. We’ll see what they think of the freebie. Now for me to choose the freebie, it was like so freaking hard. It was so hard. So I didn’t choose. I made a new freebie that has three previous line live activities for people to engage in and just pick the one first.

That is the most needed in their business. And then, you know, they’ve got two others that directly correspond. All three of them are tied to the same kinds of things that you should be doing in your business. But that is something that I. didn’t have to create the material, but I did have to create the funnel and I had to create the new Thrivecart course that housed all three of them.

And so I’m excited to see where that kind of visibility goes. I mean, I will give you an update in Q4 in terms of numbers and if I’ve actually made any sales off of the backend, because there are going to be a couple of opportunities for me to see backend sales. On my course and on calls and on templates the way that I currently have it set up so I’m excited.

I’m excited to just play with that and see how it goes because my freebies are something that I have needed to really sit down and like. strategize about for a while, because the workflows freebie is the one that my business coach and lots of people look at and they’re like, no, that should be the one to convert people.

But no matter how hard I try, it doesn’t. And so Sabrina, I feel like I need to like, Come off of you and be like, okay, maybe I just need to leave that by the wayside and, you know, move on to something else. I was recently talking to our mutual friend, Kate of dear Kate brand strategy. And she was like, you know, that’s really technical.

And so I think you need to have more information to explain it. I’m like, yeah, but people can only get to it. After they’ve seen a pot or listened to a podcast episode that’s talking all about it. So it’s a freebie, but it’s like a specifically aligned freebie to a podcast episode. I’m like, but I hear you, I hear you.

And this one definitely needs it. It needs a makeover. So that’s what’s on Coley’s list for August.

Sabrina: I think that’s such a good lesson that I want to make sure everybody hears. And this is something obviously that, you know, I dragged the course along for two years that is taken that I’m constantly having to learn and put into practice.

But You can only do what you can do. You can’t do the work for people. You can’t make them want your thing. You can’t make them buy your thing. Your audience is going to have their own opinions. And at the end of the day, you got to listen to what their opinions are.

Colie: You market for them. You don’t market for yourself.

I feel like we should have it on a t shirt, girl.

Sabrina: Yes, yes, yes. So, um, that’s really exciting. I love that. Okay, so you kind of led into passive income a little bit. That’s something we both are really, really interested in this year as well. This is the last like recap topic we’re going to do, and then we’re going to talk about what’s coming up.

So you’re going to have the possibility for some passive income sales on the back end of some visibility things. Any other updates for passive income that you have?

Colie: I feel like I’m in my brain trying to wrap my head around when we did the last call. We did the last call before you and I were together for our working weekend in May.

So on that working weekend, because we, I don’t know. We talked about it on my podcast, but not your podcast. So Sabrina and I, with our friend Anami, got together at the, um, at a conference that we were all at in Michigan in May. And instead of working on my evergreen emails, which was something that I talked about in the past, I created a quiz that had been on my to do list for over a year, and it’s a template matchmaker quiz.

And basically what it is, is you take this quiz and it will tell you which product in my shop will help you solve the most immediate problem that you are currently having. And so, you know, I got some leads off of that. I even made a few sales off of that. But in creating that quiz, I finally made live several products that were like 90 percent done, but they weren’t actually live, particularly making sure that I had products for honey book that I was already selling for Dub Sado.

And as you know, I am currently on an air table kit. We’re going to talk about that in the next segment, I’m sure. But I also made sure. That I had three air table templates to start when that quiz kicked off. So that was something that I did. And of course, you know, we both know passive income is not passive, but selling digital products out of a funnel is as passive as you can possibly get.

And so, yes, I made great strides in doing that in may and then continued with that in June with refining the emails, finally started my evergreen sequence, which. I made it live for a really big portion of my email list. And those people are actually going to be getting the first email in month two, um, in a few days.

So I’ve already got four weeks of people getting this evergreen email and these evergreen emails are not selling constantly, but they’re giving them information that is perhaps in like the back catalog of my podcast or hidden on a blog post that you might just never hit. Like my point is just making sure that.

I am spending a lot of time and energy creating a lot of content and I need that content to continue to work for me in an active way so that I can get more passive income.

Sabrina: Yes, I love that. Have you seen any sales come from the quiz funnel and all that? So I’ve

Colie: had some sales. I’ve had some sales off of the quiz funnel.

I haven’t had any yet, at least that I can directly attribute to the newsletter email as of yet, because the first month, it wasn’t really a lot of come by this for me. Like, yes, there’s the traditional, these are the ways to work with me in the footer, but Now we are getting into the month where I’m really talking about CRMs and systems.

And so I do expect for there to be an uptick. So I will update you on the next biz bestie call to see how it goes for me in Q3.

Sabrina: Okay. I love that. Okay. Passive income for me, a couple of things are happening, which I’m, I’m just really excited at time of recording. It feels like things are clicking over the last few weeks.

And we mentioned on the last couple of calls that. I have been in such a seed planting phase in my business for a couple years that I really have felt like this year and next year are going to be the blooming. And I feel like I’m like, it’s happening. It’s happening and it feels really, really good and really exciting.

So a couple of updates and passive income for me. Uh, one thing on the last call, I mentioned that I was really nervous because my business coach was pushing me To create like a high, high ticket offer. And she really wants me to push my one to one coaching more. Uh, hi, listening audience. I do one to one coaching.

It’s something I don’t talk about really, unless people reach out to me. I have had one to one coaching students, um, consecutively for the past few years. And I always have two to three of them at one time. That’s really my capacity with the other groups I’m running. Um, but I don’t, I don’t like publicly announce it.

I don’t. Push it. I don’t launch it. It’s kind of, if I have somebody reach out and ask if I have the availability, I tell them what it, what it is and whatnot. Anyways, she has encouraged me to change what that offer looks like and make it have more options. So instead of it being like, here’s the way you can work with me.

It’s here’s tier one, tier two and tier three, pick your, pick your path, so to speak. Um, and having those two tier two and tier three offers be much higher ticket. So I had a couple of people reach out about one to one offers in the last 30 days and I pitched them these new tiers of service and I signed a new one to one client at this new table and it feels really, really exciting because it’s not passive income, but when you think about profit growth, it is high profit.

Right. It’s anyways, so that feels really exciting and it kind of fell into my lap, which is why it feels passive almost, um, which is exciting. So, but the truly passive thing that is very, very exciting is that I have a new course and it’s going to be

Colie: live before it’s going to

Sabrina: be, it’s going to be live either.

I’m not sure what week this is airing either this week or the next week, but there’s already students in there. And so I mentioned before that I did this Instagram challenge. And I decided as that challenge was happening that because that challenge was marketing focused and this course is marketing focused, it’s called Marketing That Attracts, that I was going to pre sell the course to this group and let them be almost like a beta.

Guinea pigs, guinea pigs. It’s not a beta because the course is ready and they get, they are in there and they have access to everything and it’s fully pre recorded, but guinea pigs, because they get to find the links that are broken and the things that aren’t working and they’re kind of. Helping me out to make sure that it’s fine tuned anyways.

So I pitched it to that group first because they were really primed, right? They were doing the marketing. They were loving the marketing. We were talking about marketing. So I’m going to prime them and, and sell them this course. And I had 14 students join. What’s so exciting is if you’ve been around for a while and you’ve heard this journey, like we talked about of me trying to get my course, the aligned photographer going, um, that always felt hard.

And this felt so easy,

Colie: better topic, more aligned with your people, feels better for you to teach. And I’m so proud of you. You’re finally going to have an online course like the rest of us. I mean, let’s be honest, Sabrina. One of the ways that you and I connected was in, was that 2021 when we were creating our brand new digital courses?

So yes, you’ve had that course for a while, and I am so proud of you because I always say it didn’t work for you as a course, but I’m sure that you can repurpose. The hell out of a lot of it. And so letting it go was probably what you needed to create this brand new marketing course. And I would honestly say 14 people signing up for the beta round is an indication that this is the way that you needed to go.

So I’m so proud of you friend.

Sabrina: Yeah. And energetically it feels. So good. I’m excited about it. I am confident in what’s there. The feedback I’m getting is really great. And the best part about this is you, you see people online and on social media, these educators that are like, I made all this money in my sleep.

Right. And I did all this. For those of you that are not in the education coaching space, you probably buy into it and think that that’s normal. And it’s not normal. It’s not normal. That’s absolutely aspirational, but it’s not for the normal person. Okay. It’s not how it goes or, or maybe it’s not as easy as it seems.

And I can tell you as somebody that has been working on this for a really long time, it has taken me a long time to get here, but here’s where I’m going with this. When those 14 students joined, I was on vacation. Yes. I was on vacation and my Stripe account was exploding and I was doing zero things. And I literally was like, I get it now.

I get it now. So that was really exciting. Uh, that will be launching to the public on August 1st and I cannot wait it to get it and get it in everybody’s hands because it’s. It’s real exciting. It’s literally a marketing course for photographers, organic marketing. This is not how to set up Facebook ads or anything like that.

And it’s called marketing that attracts because I focus on something that a lot of people don’t focus on that makes marketing feel easy and that I think works better. Uh, so I can’t wait for everybody to get through that. So that is what’s happening for me for passive income. One of the things I’m asked about the most as a business coach for photographers is is marketing.

Students want to know how to find their ideal clients. How often should they email their list? How can they use social media effectively? What makes a good blog post? You get it. Marketing is a beast. And if you’re like most photographers, you’re overwhelmed and probably pretty frustrated with the marketing part of your business.

My friend, if this sounds familiar, hear me when I say this. You are completely normal. There is so much out there about marketing books, blogs, courses, coaches, gurus, marketing specialists, and social media accounts. And they’re all telling you to do something different unless you actually went to college for a marketing degree.

It’s no wonder you’re confused. You started your business because you love taking photos, not because you’re a marketing genius. But the truth is that marketing does play a big role. You do have to find clients. You do have to make money and therefore marketing is something that you do need to learn if you’re going to run a profitable and sustainable business for the long run.

The great news is I’m here to help. In my new course, marketing that attracts, I’m helping you filter through the noise and sharing five organic marketing strategies that actually work for photographers. And I’m giving you the inside scoop on how to do them ideas for what they can look like in your business and all the resources you need to have confidence and clarity to market your business.

And don’t even get me started on all of the additional resources and bonuses inside this course. There are swipe files, templates, bonus trainings, organizational tools, worksheets, and how to videos all the way to your heart’s content. So if you’re ready to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall and get clear on a marketing strategy that will bring you results in your business, then Check out marketing that attracts at the link in the show notes to learn more.

Now back to the show.

Let’s talk about Q3. What’s going on with you in Q3?

Colie: I got to make some decisions about my one to one services. Yes, I’m getting my time back. But I don’t, I don’t know anymore if one to one services is what is the best fit for my brain. I would, like, in a perfect world, I would like for everybody to pay me for strategy calls and you just get me on and you get my brain for an hour and we fix as much of your stuff as we can and I answer all of your questions and then I don’t have to retain any of the information that I just gave you in my brain.

It’s in the video, it’s in the transcript, I give it to you within 24 hours. But. I just feel like that might be a better fit for me going forward or even the smaller things where like I audit your client experience or I automate just your inquiry and your booking processes, not set up your entire CRM system from beginning to end, which I mean, let’s be honest, it’s made me multiple six figures over the last few years.

But I just don’t know that I don’t know that that’s where I’m going to go going forward. So in August, that is a big decision that I have to make because the sitting in the indecision is costing me money. I’m not currently marketing it because I can’t decide what I want to do. And every day that I don’t market it is basically me losing money because I don’t know what to do.

Last couple of years, I would say that like 70 percent of my income was from one to one services and it is not anymore. So I need to make a decision on that. My evergreen funnel, like I said, I finally launched it. Evergreen newsletter. I have two months of emails written. That was enough to kind of get me through.

And actually I have a handful of, I think the month three, but they’re not the first three. I think I wrote like the fourth week. And the weeks one, two, three are still not done. So I need to sit down in August and like, write some more of these newsletters. And, but it’s a lot of strategy. It’s not just me sitting down and just talking to people in an email.

Like I have to think about the previous content that I want to make sure that I’m talking about, make sure that all of the links are there, make sure that I do a better job going forward of being able to attribute sales. To those emails because I was in such a hurry to launch it. I did not use UTMs. I did not use like particular links so that I knew that it came from the newsletter, which makes it hard to see a return on investment.

So I’m kind of just still going to be cleaning things up and making decisions in August and probably continuing into September. I have a ton of visibility and collaboration opportunities in Q3. I am going to At least one conference as pick time. I’m going to a few conferences as myself. I’m going to a podcasting conference as my podcast.

So just opportunities to meet new people, collaborate with people, get my, get seen, increase my visibility since I have been invisible for almost all of 2024. So that’s what I’ve got going on in Q3. What do you have going on in Q3?

Sabrina: I have a lot happening in Q3. A lot. And this all come, not all of it. A lot of it comes from the clarity I have of finally moving past this course, right?

Which let this again, be a lesson. And when you are dragging something along with you, it is taking up space mentally and energetically, and that you can give to new things. So because of the new course that’s launching publicly August 1st, I also will potentially be putting that in a brand new funnel. So having a freebie and a trip wire and then lead to the course, uh, which, you know, building a funnel is.

a project. So that’s going to take a little bit of effort getting that going. I also am considering putting the funnel building off until Q1 of 25 and then just having the freebie and the tripwire like part running, uh, cause that’s a little bit easier. It’s less emails as there’s less involved. The reason I think that That’s the most important part for now is running an ad to a freebie that is marketing focused.

So people get used to hearing from me about marketing to prepare them to buy this course. So I’m at least going to get the freebie and tripwire part going. I’m also at the end of August doing a flash sale on Another brand new course, another brand new course that my audience has been asking for for over a year.

Every time I pull them an email, pull them in my membership group, pull them on Instagram. This is the thing they’re asking for. And, uh, I was going to put that thing out first. But I was in the middle of the Instagram challenge and I was like, I, I know intuitively that I need to pitch this marketing program while this group is primed.

Uh, so I, I don’t regret that decision. It was the right decision, but yeah, I’m going to launch a brand new thing and I’m not going to do a whole huge launch. It’s going to be a mini course. And so I’m going to let it just be like a flash sale type launch. So that’s coming at the end of August. Which is exciting.

Colie: Oh my gosh. So two launches in August. Yes, Sabrina. You have truly lost your mind. Okay. I’m going to send lots of Starbucks,

Sabrina: but continue again. That’s the reason I’m not doing. I’m letting the other one be a flash sale because for the listening audience, the flash sale energetically is totally different than a full launch, right?

Like it can fully run an email. Maybe you mentioned it on social media once or twice. It’s like a very low lift. And that’s why one’s getting the huge, big launch push with, All of the visibility everywhere. The other one is just like, Oh, Hey, I got this new thing. And you’ve been asking for it. You want it.

So it’s going to be a very chill thing. And again, I’m going at it with like gaming energy, you know, we’re going to test it as a flash sale. We’re going to see how it lands. And then we’ll move on. No big deal. Then I need to make decisions. Uh, this quarter, probably in the first half of this quarter, I need to make the decision on 25, the spring 25 route to rise mastermind.

I need to know where we’re going and when that’s going to be.

Colie: Have we not decided

Sabrina: that? No ma’am. And you know why? Because my beloved friends at the reset conference took my weekend.

Colie: That is true. Oh, okay. So We’re going to talk after we stop hitting record, but

Sabrina: continue. That’s the problem. And, uh, it, it is a problem for me.

I’ve already purchased my ticket to reset. I’m hoping if you’re listening, I’m hoping to speak there for the fifth year in a row. Um, but. Also, a lot of my people go to that conference and I don’t want to put anybody in the position to have to pick and choose. Um, I want them to get to do both. That’s important for me.

Uh, so it throws a wrench in things. Uh, I always historically have my retreat that one weekend and that’s the weekend they’re doing it. So, I need to pick a new weekend. The listening audience should know this by now, but I have a high schooler and she is a volleyball player and spring is when club volleyball is at its peak.

And so there’s tournaments every weekend. She’s on a travel team. So, and I don’t have that schedule yet. So I’m going to be choosing blind and hoping that it’s not a weekend that she’s traveling. I don’t mind missing a regular in town tournament. That’s fine. I really don’t want to miss one of her, you know, that’s a big deal.

So I need to make that decision, pick a date and a location. Uh, that’s gotta be done. I also mentioned that, uh, this fall is going to be different for me. So I’m putting those things in place, uh, as a photographer. We’re just taking it one day at a time with that. I’m letting it be what it’s going to be.

And I’ve decided I’m not going to do a big push. I’m not going to do a big marketing push to get full sessions. I’m not going to do a big marketing push to get many sessions. I’m actually not going to do many sessions at all. And I think I said, alluded to this earlier in the call, but I had been mulling over this decision.

And I always launch my fall calendar in July, 13 years, I’ve launched it in July. And so before we went on our vacation, uh, in, uh, end of June, the first two weeks of July, I knew that that was coming right. That I was going to need to make these decisions and put these things in place. And I was having this like.

almost physical resistance to making those decisions. And I, you guys know, I’m really into like listening to my body and intuition, stuff like that. And so I knew the resistance was there. I was aware of it and I was sitting with it to see what was coming up for me. And I shared this After a couple of weeks of this resistance, I shared it with my business coach and she gave me such beautiful, wise advice.

And I kind of thought through what she was saying and journaled on it for a few days and started to carry the potential of what if I don’t want to fall? What if I let clients come to me and if I have the availability, I take them, but I don’t do this big whole push, you know, what could that look like?

And as I was mulling through these ideas, a lot of positive stuff started happening. That is when my new one on one client fell in my lap, and I felt like that was the universe saying, I got you over here. Like, just let this happen. Let it go. Let it go. I have fall inquiries in my inbox right now. As we speak, I already have some fall things photo session wise on the calendar.

So I’m not stepping away. I’m not, not doing it. I’m just going to let it be what it is organically. So that’s a big shift for me and I’m excited to see what happens with that. I’m excited to see too. Yeah, and then I think, I know I’m going to be preparing for Black Friday stuff. I’ve already kind of got an idea of what I want to do for Black Friday.

Are you starting to think about that in Q3 at all or you’re not there yet? I

Colie: mean, you know how much I hate Black Friday, but I did a big push last year. I was talking about the ways that you could have the most effective Black Friday without actually discounting. Whatever your main service is. And I still feel very passionate about that.

And so yes, maybe I do need to think, are there any new offers? Because all of, I mean, honestly, Sabrina, all of the things that I just told you that I wanted to focus more on, those are the things that I launched last Black Friday. I launched the Booked Out VIP Day. I launched the Client Experience Audit. I mean, I was doing them.

In the background, but like I didn’t actually have an official offer where someone could go to a sales page. I’m also pretty sure that there’s going to be something for Airtable because right now I’m selling people half day Airtable setups, but there’s no sales page. There’s no, there’s no like templatization to it.

So yes. I think with you, I need to start thinking about Black Friday and I probably need to have made those decisions by mid September. So when I come to Dallas for Make Your Mark Live, maybe we can go for drinks and we can figure out what we’re doing for Black Friday.

Sabrina: Yeah, I think I already know what I’m doing and I think I’m going to do something I’ve never done before.

I have, you know, this new course that’s coming. I have the Additional new course that I’m going to be flash sale launching. I have a third course that I’m hoping to surprise launch for black Friday. And I think I’m going to just going to do like a straight sale on all of them. Just, you know, maybe 48 hours, all the things are on sale.

Just to buy it if you want. Yeah. Just to see again, that gaming energy, like why not just. I don’t know. It’s something I’ve never done before and I, let’s try it and see what happens and set it up for email so that it runs on its own and these things are fully passive. So if you buy it, you do, and if you don’t, you don’t, and I’m just for the ride, you know?

So I think that’s what we’re going to try. We’ll see. I do know that that’s going to take a lot of setup and that’s something I, again, I haven’t run. I haven’t set up a funnel in that way before. I don’t have a sales page for that thing. I don’t have a, I don’t have a, Shop page, you know, and so I don’t know what the setup’s gonna be for all of that But that’s kind of loosely what I’m thinking.

So I have a question for you, and I know we’re about to wrap, but Airtable, Airtable, I’m raising my eyebrows. Airtable’s, Airtable is Koli’s new boyfriend, and um, she’s having a very, a very, uh, exciting love affair with it currently. Obviously, I want to see you have some like all the offers about it, but you mentioned at the top of this call, you know, visibility, collaborations, challenges.

What about an air table challenge

Colie: air table? It’s it’s one of those weird things because it is like you just said, you don’t have a funnel set up. I feel like air table is one of those. Things where you actually have to have dedicated tech setup time. And I worry that in a challenge, I would end up trying to help people troubleshoot versus like, think of the things that you could put in, but in this vein, Sabrina, and now I’m going to be like on the clock, since this episode goes live in like two weeks, I finally came up with a new 9 offer.

And it is air table, but it is an air table that does not have automations. It is an air table that is basically like. A centralized location for you to do some of the most important things in your business. And because it doesn’t require the automation that my podcast planner requires that my client hub, I totally see how we could have like just strategy around this.

So I’m, I made it like completely Sabrina. I sat up for two hours the other day, the hub is done. It is done. I am just trying to really decide if it is something that I want to sell long term for 9 or if I want to hit that sweet spot of like 27 or 47. But I feel like it’s the easiest way. That I can convince all the people who have no idea what air table is, how amazing air table can be.

And I will give a shout out to Anami because actually when this goes live, the same week, my episode with Anami is going to go live where we talk about all the things that are air table. And while I was sitting there and she was talking and I was talking, I was like, yeah, But like right now, I’m selling really complicated hubs and they have a lot of automations on the back end.

But like if I created this, this one little thing, I could sell it cheap. Everybody would be able to use it. And then I think that half the battle is just getting people to open a hub. If you open a hub and it’s not really complicated. I really do think that like the photographers and the people that I really want to like get into Airtable will be like, Oh my God, this is so cool.

What else can it do for me? So that is on my brain. I love it. Probably when this airs, that will also be live on my website. If it is, I will give Sabrina the link and it will be linked in the show notes, but like a 9 hub, like I can’t think of a better way to just get people to try air table and not make a huge investment when they’re still on the fence about a new piece of tech.

And I will just say one more thing because Annamie was really specific to say it in the podcast episode that we recorded for business first creatives guys. Airtable is not something that you’re going to have to pay for, especially for this 9 hub. It is free. So this is not me convincing you that you need another 20 a month piece of software.

I pay 20 a month. Automy pays 20 a month. You probably will not have to pay for Airtable. So let me just put that out there.

Sabrina: That is so exciting. I’m so excited to hear this. I do want to challenge you a little bit that I feel like there’s something there that you could create in an, in a challenge, even if it wasn’t like a live challenge, if there was something where similar to your Debs auto and honey, but courses where you’re recording the video of doing the thing and you’re like, okay, now do this and then, and maybe it’s not this huge, big setup.

Maybe it’s I don’t know. I, I think there’s something there. I really do think that there’s some sort of challenge y thing that you could build for Airtable that would be great. So let’s continue to think on that. I have an idea now. Okay. See, told you. We’ll talk about it. The other thing, I’m sure you’ve considered this, but I don’t know that we’ve ever talked about it.

Have you ever considered the done for you service as part of your business? Being an agency, like hiring something.

Colie: Okay. So, uh, Jordan Gill brought that up and she brought that up a while ago. And while I am not a true agency right now, I think anybody who listens to my podcast, and I may have mentioned it on your podcast before I am not an agency, but there are a lot of things that I do for one to one setups now that I don’t actually do, like I have my virtual assistant is amazing.

And this is like why I hired her. I hired her. For the system skills and like for the last, you know, six months when I haven’t really been doing much. I have been paying my virtual assistant to do things that are like, not at the level that she should be doing, but like, when it comes to setups, she is now doing all of the prep work, like, and I’ve.

I’ve done my one to one services in a way to where now I have basically asked you all the things that I need. And then for those services that have a strategy call at the end of the strategy call, I am putting everything together. And then Sarah is going in there and doing like all of the prep work so that you’re really getting like my strategy.

And I’m not the one that’s doing the specific click here, add this in, like those kinds of things. I’ve taken them off my plate now, expanding into like a true agency. Okay. I don’t foresee that happening for quite some time, simply because I feel like I need a rebound time from being invisible for so long.

But if my numbers come back up to what they were in 2022, and maybe even only to the level of what they were in 2023, I could absolutely see myself having a few extra people so that I could do

Sabrina: Yeah, I, I mean, obviously we’ll see what happens, but in theory, I love that idea for you because you have built such name recognition and expertise in that.

And, and I want to see you be able to still be like, yeah, and scale it. And, and I think it’s something that could easily be done. Um, so I’m going to say my fingers are crossed and I hope that that works out. Cause I would really, really love to see that for you. So. This has been a whirlwind conversation as it always is.

Um, I think you and I, I feel like we had a slow start to the year, but like, buckle up world. We’re both

Colie: like, really, I do. I really do feel like on the Q1 and the Q2 calls, like I was putting on a very positive facade, but I was, I was definitely still in the fog and I feel like the fog has finally lifted.

Like the world is my oyster again, and so my, my oyster again, but I don’t, I don’t know what it looks like for me, like going forward, but I do know that it’s going to be a hell of a lot better than it was in Q1 and Q2. And so, like, I’m super excited and pumped for our Q4 call to see what we’ve both accomplished over the next two, well, at the listening time, over the next two months and a few extra days.

Sabrina: Yeah, I’m excited too. This has been so fun. I’m really excited about everything that’s kind of in the works and happening for both of our businesses. Uh, this has been a great chat. I know we’re going to get a really good response from it. Uh, thanks for being here as always, my friend. We’ll see everybody next week.

Thanks so much for listening to the Shoot at Straight podcast. You can find all the full show notes and details from today’s episode@sabrinagehart.com slash podcast. Come find me and connect over on the gram at Sabrina Gehart Photography. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be honored if you hit that subscribe button and leave me a review.

Until next time, my friends shoot it straight.


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