The Struggle Is Real | Family Photography Education

It is early December and I imagine you are crawling to the finish line.

Maybe you still have sessions left to shoot.

Maybe you are done shooting but the editing list is still way too long.

Maybe you are finished with client work but just now able to start getting into holiday mode for your family.

Or maybe you fall somewhere in between.

Before I go any farther, let me just acknowledge that I know exactly how you feel. Literally, I have been in your shoes.

From mid-August to late-November, family photographers work themselves into the ground. It seems to be an industry standard.

Shoot all the sessions.

Say Yes to all the inquiries.

Forget our families and personal lives.

Lose sleep.

Over caffeinate.

Make that money.

Here is what I want to tell you today:

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Before you roll your eyes and move on to the next thing, hear me out.

I am telling you right now that you can have a very successful fall busy season without the insanity. Yes, I am calling it insane that we have created this industry standard of hustle-at-an-impossible-level. It is unhealthy. It is unnecessary. It can be different.

“But Sabrina, I make my money during the fall. I need to keep that up for my family and our income.”

I hear you. And I am telling you that you can STILL make the majority of your income in the Fall (if you want to) and NOT have to live up to the industry standard.

Let me explain.

As an entrepreneur, and the CEO of your business, you are in charge of the business decisions and how you run the show. You get to call the shots. How exciting!

The decisions you make today, at the end of the year, are going to put your business on a path for all of next year. You see, that is the key to writing your own rules, you have to plan.

When you look at your business from a birds-eye view, at the entire year, you are able to calming and methodically put plans in place to drive your business in the direction you want to go. Because you have a plan and you know what is coming.

When you have an annual plan, you aren’t creating a business that is reactionary. You aren’t making decisions based on fear or frantically coming up with promotions because you need to drum up income.

When you have a plan, you always know where you stand and what is coming. And that allows you to pace yourself. It allows you to breathe. It allows you the opportunity to do intentional work, everyday, even when things are quiet.

The other beautiful thing about having an intentional yearly plan for your business is that you are given the opportunity to set boundaries. These boundaries will protect you from overwork. They will also protect you from yourself because we all tend to have a hard time saying No.

If you are still reading this and you still aren’t sure about how it could be possible to have a successful Fall season and not end the year in burnout, let me share my own business as an example of proof.

From August to November of this year, I made 66% of my annual shooting volume. This does not include any of my education income. This is only session income- families, newborns, minis, etc.

66% of my annual volume in only 33% of the year. As you can see, that is the majority of my income being made in the fall season. Here is the kicker, I had the most smooth and calm fall season I have ever had.

Wondering how that is possible?

I had a solid plan in place for my fall season before summer started.

I was super intentional about my pricing, my availability, my offers, what I would take and what I wouldn’t take. I knew exactly what my cutoff date was and I held firm to it.

I never got bogged down with edits because I paced myself and outsourced for help.

I never felt overwhelmed with sessions because I knew what my capacity was and when I was booked, I referred clients to other photographers.

I never felt burned out this fall. Not once. Not even now. Because I had a plan in place.

Here is where I want to encourage you to get on the waitlist for my course, The Organized Photographer. It will run again in early 2022 and it will change the way you run your business. Guaranteed.

If all of this sounds like a pipe dream. Or if it all sounds incredible but you have zero clue how to put these plans and systems in place, let me help you.

The Organized Photographer has been taught to so many photographers just like you and it has been absolutely transformational to their business.

If you are ending this year tired, overwhelmed, burned out and just tired of feeling this way year after year. It doesn’t have to be this way. Get on the waitlist for my course and let me teach you how to get intentional with your business and take control like a true CEO.


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