Photography Education | 3 Surprising Tips for Business Success | Sabrina Gebhardt

As creatives, we’re filled to the brim with ideas. We have the ideas but lack the execution skills to get there. If only there was an easy place to get some simple tips for business success.:)

  • Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels and working round the clock, but you’re not getting anywhere?
  • Is your social media just…meh? Filled with inconsistent posting, minimal stories and no clear strategy?
  • Is your newsletter on a long vacation…i.e., non-existent? 
  • Do you know what a blog is, but aren’t quite sure what you should be writing about, and what the heck to do with it?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you might need a little direction on how to organize your schedule in a way that’s working for you, and not against you. 

AND THAT’S OKAY. But it’s time to put some methodology to work to get your business more traction. 

Female photographer entrepreneur working on a laptop in a green couch
Photography Education | 3 Surprising Tips for Business Success | Sabrina Gebhardt 3

1. Focus on one thing at a time.

Yes, you. Multitasking isn’t a thing anyone is good at, even if you’ve prided yourself on just that over the years. While I know that we wear so many hats as business owners, you’re not doing yourself any favors when you jump from task to task.

Giving yourself specific tasks to complete on a specific day (i.e. social media every other Tuesday, or editing each Friday) gives you the opportunity to really sink into each activity and give it your full focus. And when that happens, tasks start getting checked off more quickly and you can move on to the next thing. And isn’t that what we all want?

2. Try your hand at block scheduling.

According to, block scheduling is the practice of allocating large chunks of time to related tasks. While there are several ways you can approach this, I use Tuesdays for editing and sharing session sneak peeks with clients.

As a result, I don’t worry about when I’m going to squeeze in this important part of my business, or leave it to do between answering emails and fielding consultation calls when my attention is divided and I’m juggling all the things. Instead, I find I can rest easy knowing I have that dedicated day to work on it, and I get through the edits much faster when it’s the sole task on my plate. 

3. Don’t forget to leave yourself white space.

The last tip for business success I have today is white space. If you aren’t familiar with this term, it is exactly that – absolutely no plans on that calendar of yours. It doesn’t have to be a full day, but even a few hours, as a start, can be hugely helpful.

Having a few hours with no expectations on you means you can do whatever your heart, mind and body needs that day. It may be a nap after you get the kids off to school. It may be meeting up with a friend for lunch. Without rest, we’ll never move anything ahead – for our business or our families. So please be sure to schedule that in, too. 

I’m passionate about these techniques to add order and calm to business ownership, and I speak on this and other topics on my Instagram @sabrinagebhardtphotography.

Have a question? Send me Email because I would love to help.

Want a free guide to jump start working on making your business more intentional? Grab my FREE photography business blueprint and dive in right away. In this free guide, I share 9 tips to make sure you are setting your photography business up for success from the start. And yes, even if you are already in business, there are some definite tips for business success that you will learn in the free guide.

photographer sabrina gebhardt shares tips for business success
Image by Colie James


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