One question that I hear frequently from my First 48 and newborn photography clients is, “What’s next?”
After the First 48 hospital session and the newborn photography session are complete, your baby’s first year is just beginning, and so are the moments you’ll want to capture! This is where milestone photography sessions come into play.
Today, I’m breaking down the five milestone sessions I recommend capturing in your baby’s first few years of life. Of course, feel free to pick and choose which milestone sessions work best for you and your baby, but these are some of my favorite ages to photograph!

Six Months Old
This milestone is special because babies at this time are typically comfortable sitting on their own or with support. They’re still a bit chunky and deliciously chubby, and they’re beginning to laugh. This is the perfect time to capture photographs of your cute baby – especially before they’re mobile!
Nine Months Old
At this time, your little one is likely crawling, which makes for fun photos! Capturing your baby’s curiosity as they gain confidence and crawl around is always enjoyable to watch, and the photos captured at this age are sweet memories to recall!

One Year Old
Celebrate your little one’s first birthday with a one year photo session! This milestone captures early walkers’ tentative steps and marks their first year of life in a joyful way.

Fifteen Months Old
If your child wasn’t yet walking at 12 months, scheduling a milestone session at 15 months can be a great fit! In addition, many little ones are starting to say early words or babble, and they also have a few favorite toys that they treasure.
Eighteen Months Old
When your child reaches 18 months of age, they likely are sharing their personality and preferences! Most little ones at this stage love chattering with you, are confident walkers, and most have a few teeth and some great hair. This is such a busy stage and a fun age to capture in photos!

Considering booking a milestone session for your little one? Something super special and unique about working with me is that I offer monthly Simply Baby sessions for clients. These sessions are open for booking on a monthly basis so that you can book them anytime your kiddo is in a “cute” phase that you want captured.
See a few recent Simply Baby sessions here, and when you’re ready to book, let’s chat!