There are so many educational offers out there that promise a transformation, and the truth is that most programs likely are capable of creating change in your business or your life. That’s the beauty of education: choosing a program that aligns with what you need or want, putting effort into your learning, and experiencing a positive result.
The Root to Rise mastermind is no different: the women inside past rounds of this program have certainly experienced transformations! But whether you’re considering joining Root to Rise or any other program, I want you to know this: no matter what you choose to invest your time, energy, and money in, there are certain results you can and should expect in exchange for your effort. So here are 3 changes you can expect from joining a mastermind.

Inside Root to Rise, here are three changes you can expect to experience during and after this program:
1. Increased Confidence (AKA Decreased Imposter Syndrome)
As a female photographer, there’s just something special that happens when you spend months working alongside like-minded women who want to build successful photography businesses yet put their lives, not their work, first. This proximity to others, in addition to working 1:1 with a coach, helps you understand your craft and your business in a way that you’ve likely never been able to do before.
Learning and sharing in community with others allow you to feel less alone because you realize that your struggles are the same (or similar) to what other women are experiencing. When you surround yourself with women who are stuck in the same places you are or who also desire the same things you do, there are so many powerful realizations that take place. You’re invited to recognize that those deep-seated fears you hold—the ones that say, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t know what I’m doing”—aren’t the whole story, and often, those feelings are not even true at all.
When those uncertainties fall away, what blossoms in their place is a beautiful confidence that continues to grow not only throughout the program, but as you continue to nurture these friendships with the women inside this container, too.

2. More Ease
In addition to feeling more confident about your photography and your ability to run an effective business, joining a mastermind also helps you to see the power of collective action. When you surround yourself with people who are working hard to improve and to grow, you’re inspired to do the same, and this is why it’s so powerful to put yourself in a situation where you can rise alongside others.
Instead of going it alone and putting off the items on your long list of “someday, I want to do XYZ in my business,” you actually have the accountability to start doing those things.
That support often leads to creating a greater sense of ease because you’re finally taking the time to optimize your photography business. You’re putting systems and automations in place. You’re giving outsourcing a try. You’re taking distracting to-dos off of your list in favor of ones that will actually move the needle in your business instead.
What’s left at the end of this process is a business that’s running like a well-oiled machine. And when your business is running smoothly, what you feel instead of frazzled and overwhelmed is ease. That feeling of ease as an entrepreneur looks like experiencing less stress and having a greater capacity for creative thinking—and more time to invest in your health, your self-care, and your relationships.

3. Heightened Clarity
While ease can certainly feel elusive to creatives at heart, one benefit of joining a mastermind program is often considered to be just as difficult to grasp: clarity.
As photographers and creative entrepreneurs, we can have a hard time staying focused on our own goals, desires, and dreams. It’s so easy to gain inspiration from other business owners, other ways of doing business, and other photographers’ paths. It can be so tempting to veer off into pursuing someone else’s path—this is so common, in fact, that there’s a term for it: shiny-object syndrome.
When this happens—when we find ourselves following paths that aren’t our own because they aren’t aligned with what we actually want for our businesses or our lives—this can cause frustration, overwhelm, and an overall lack of clarity.
Here’s the good news: when you surround yourself with other business owners like you who are all asking themselves the hard questions (and when you’re all being guided by an experienced coach who can hold you each accountable to your unique goals), it becomes so easy to identify what dreams are yours, what’s meant for you, and what can be left to the side.
In other words, your coach and the women around you are able to act like mirrors, revealing clear pathways to where you want to go and how you can get there. As a result, you have the confidence to ignore what’s not for you and clarity to continue down the right path for your business.
Just like it’s important to identify the right educational opportunity for you, it’s also crucial that you trust the coach or educator who’ll be leading you through the transformation you’re seeking. As an experienced educator myself, my greatest encouragement to anyone who’s considering investing in a mastermind experience is to do your research to ensure that a program is right for you.
When you’re considering a mastermind program, don’t be afraid to ask your potential coach the hard questions, like “I want to achieve XYZ in my business; will this program help me do that?” or “I’m really struggling with ABC—can this program help people like me?”
Speaking for myself personally, I will always be honest with you whether or not my programs are a good fit for you. Whether you choose me to coach you or not, your success and your experience are important to me, and I take your investment seriously.
With that being said, if you feel like the Root to Rise mastermind experience aligns with your goals, I’d love to chat with you and answer your questions! Send me an email at, or DM me on Instagram @sabrinagebhardtphotography to start the conversation.
Want to learn more about the Root to Rise mastermind and retreat experience? Join the waitlist here to be the first to know when the next round launches!