Imposter Syndrome | Photography Education


Imposter Syndrome.

These dirty little words plague many photographers. Even seasoned ones.

The truth is at one point or another everyone has struggled with this very problem: Do I belong here?

On the surface, this appears to be a self-confidence problem… I am not good enough, they are better than me, I will never make it in this market, etc.

But many times when you take a deeper look, you realize that this isn’t as much a self-confidence problem as it is a problem of comparing apples to oranges.

You are likely trying to compare yourself to someone who is ahead of you. You are starting out on your journey and comparing yourself to someone who has years and years of experience. You’ve just learned photography, and you’re comparing to an industry leader. It’s not a fair comparison.

Of course, your work looks different. Of course, your business looks different. Of course, you position yourself on social media in a different way. You’re a beginner, and you’re comparing yourself to someone much more advanced than you.

We’ve all heard the statement, “Comparison is the thief of joy”, and there is so much truth in that statement. To be honest, I don’t really want you to compare yourself to anyone but yourself. Feel free to compare your work now to what it looked like a year ago or two years ago. Feel free to compare what your business looks like now to what it did when you first opened your doors.

But don’t you dare compare your work to someone else who is more advanced than you. Because that’s just not fair.

If you want to overcome imposter syndrome there are several things you can do but the biggest one is to keep your eyes in your own lane. Mark your own progress and STOP paying attention to what everyone else around you is doing.

Sure, part of the struggle with imposter syndrome will naturally go away over time as you become more confident in yourself and your business. But, the biggest thing you can do NOW is to be your own cheerleader. Be your own guide. Be your own motivation.

Stop looking around. Stop all the scrolling. Stop comparing apples to oranges.

You DO deserve to be here. You can be successful. Your work and your business will grow over time. Don’t rush the process. You will get there. Just keep doing the work. Keep going.

If you are struggling with Imposter Syndrome as a photographer and you are craving a place to grow in both your mindset and your business, you should consider joining my membership, The Round Table.

The Round Table is a supportive community of female photographers that are committed to bettering themselves, and their businesses. Consider it your place for continued education, accountability and support while also having a safe space to share highs and lows. Trust me, if you looking for a place to feel welcome and grow, The Round Table is that place. You can check out more details HERE.

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