Let 2021 Be Your Year


2020 sure was fabulous, amiright?

Hopefully, you caught the sarcasm in that. Good grief, talk about a massive curveball!

If at the end of this year, you can say that your business is still standing, then you are a winner!

Seriously, this year has been THAT rough to most small business that all it takes for you to Win at 2020 is survive the year with your business intact. Sure, it might just barely be hanging on by a thread, but that is all it takes!

Congratulations, You are a winner!

It is officially the time of year when photographers are crawling to the finish line. We are mostly done with the shooting but still have a small mountain of editing to do. Your eyes are burning from all the screen time. Your joints hurt from all the clicking. You have binged all the podcasts and all the Netflix. You may have already started researching standing desks because you cannot fathom sitting in your editing chair for another moment.

I feel you.

But also, you don’t have to feel this way at the end of busy season.

No, I am not suggesting that you close your doors for good. What I am suggesting is that you make some major changes in your business in 2021 so that you can end the year in good place instead of hating your life.

Being an entrepreneur is about creating the business of your dreams. Not creating a business that will slowly kill you.

Think about it, if something isn’t working you need to change it. And by “isn’t working” I don’t just mean your revenue. You could be making six figures in your photography business but if you are losing sleep over editing or missing out on your kid’s sporting events because of sessions or walking around overwhelmed all the time- then you aren’t doing this right!

I don’t mean to sound like I am preaching- okay, maybe I do. Because I am SUPER passionate about this!

Yes, I want your business to be financially successful BUT I also want it to give you freedom. THAT is the true measure of success as an entrepreneur.

Okay, I am hoping off the soapbox now. I will leave you with this, I just introduced a NEW totally FREE 3-day mini-course that I think you should get it on. Sign up here and you will get the first lesson delivered to your inbox immediately.

Take 3 days to work through the short video lessons and worksheets and get yourself in a position for growth next year. Before you can make any changes in your business, you NEED to take this mini-course. Just trust me, you will love it.



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